Alí Arango

Alí Arango plays Vals No.4, Op.8 by Barrios

Cuban classical guitarist Alí Arango performs Vals No.4, Op.8 by Agustin Barrios Mangore (1885-1944). This comes via Arango’s Youtube Channel. Wonderfully rhythmic performance with interesting articulations and some nice natural rubato. I don’t always like a ton of rubato but it sounds so natural and dynamic…

Alí Arango plays Güajiras de Lucía

Cuban guitarist Alí Arango rips it up with Paco’s Güajiras de Lucía. Pretty amazing speed work and great rhythmic feel. Some info via his YouTube: “Guitar by Yuichi Imai. Realización y Edición: Alí Arango. Ali Arango was born on the 14th of December 1982 in…