Alberto Ginastera

Johan Löfving Plays Canto & Finale from Ginastera’s Op.47

Swedish guitarist Johan Löfving performs the Canto & Finale from A. Ginastera’s Sonata Op.47. Produced by TallWall Media in Swedish Church London. This comes via his Youtube Channel. Also check out his last video that I featured on the site with him playing Mertz…

Sabrina Vlaskalic plays Sonata Op. 47 by Ginastera

Serbian born guitarist Sabrina Vlaskalic, now teaching at The Prince Clause Conservatoire (The Hanze University) in Groningen, The Netherlands, plays Sonata Op. 47 by Argentine composer Alberto Ginastera (1916-1983). This comes via her YouTube channel. Some fantastic and aggressive playing…

Review: Unreal City by Kostas Tosidis

Unreal City by Kostas TosidisArtist Website: kostastosidis.comContrastes Records: contrastesrecords.comReleased May 2014 Listen to samples or buy the album:Kostas Tosidis Unreal City on Amazon or on Spotify Greek guitarist Kostas Tosidis has released this intense collection of sonatas by Ginastera, Hurwitz, Ourkouzounov,…

Duo Resonances play Ginastera

The excellent Duo Resonances (Frédérique Luzy & Pierre Bibault) play Alberto Ginastera’s Suite de Danzas Criollas Op.15. You can check out their CD via their site or Amazon: Duo Resonances: Guitar Works. Beautiful sound and video…and people for that matter!

Goran Krivokapic plays Ginastera ‘Finale’

Goran Krivokapic plays the finale of Sonata for guitar, Op. 47 by was an Argentine composer Alberto Ginastera (1916–1983). This sonata was written in 1976 for Carlos Barbosa-Lima. I didn’t know this but among his notable students were Ástor Piazzolla! Not sure…

Review: Viaggio by Jorge Amaral

Listen to samples or buy:Viaggio by Jorge Amaral via CD Baby, or Amazon Artist Tracks: D Minor Partita BWV 1004 by J.S. Bach (1685-1750) Invocation y Danza by Joaquin Rodrigo (1901-1999) Sonata Op. 47 by Alberto Ginastera (1916-1983) I recently reviewed Duo Amaral’s Súplica praising…