Performance and Lesson for Study No.6 in C Major, Op.60 by Fernando Sor (1778–1839). This is from my PDF or hardcopy sheet music or tab edition for classical guitar: 25 Progressive Studies, Op.60 by Fernando Sor.
Fernando Sor’s Op.60 is one of the most famous of all etude collections in the classical guitar repertoire. Each study covers a different pedagogical concept but the primary goal of the collection as a whole is the ability to play legato across various textures.
I would place this study around the grade 3 level but grade 4 if you are muting the basses. Here’s the YouTube Link for this lesson in case you want to watch it there.
Hi Bradford. Thank you for posting these lessons. They are very helpful toward learning these wonderful etudes. I first encountered Etude #6 in Aaron Schearer’s Vol 1 (p 74, 1959/63 edition). I noticed that the first and second parts are a bit different in yours. Is this editorial or was Schearer looking at a different version? Just curious. I enjoy both versions.