Sight Reading for the Classical Guitar by Robert Benedict – Daily Sight Reading Material with Emphasis on Interpretation, Phrasing, Form, and More
Buy from Amazon: Sight Reading Level I-III, and the follow up book Level IV-V
These are two books I use with my students after they complete a basic my method book. I’ve found that students can learn a great deal from my books but so much of the detail and reading skills get lost in the effort to also try to play guitar well and with good technique. By going over these books after they complete my methods I can ensure that they will be good sight readers but also pick up on the variety of terminologies in music and textures in music.
The Pros: Short one or two line examples give the student tons of experience with multiple textures, rhythmics, dynamics and more. Terminology along the way, tips about phrasing and form are right next to solid examples. The emphasis is on musical interpretation rather than technique so it’s great to use after a method when the student has worked out some of the mechanics.
The cons: I don’t really think there are any. However, these are best studied with a qualified teacher to push the student toward higher musicality, smoother legato, contrasting dynamics, and more.

Publisher’s Info for Level I-III: This book for the classical guitar has been compiled to improve sight reading, an often neglected aspect of musicianship. With the guitar, musical components (scales, chords, arpeggios, etc.) may often be played in various positions. While this is one of the reasons that the instrument produces such colorful and interesting timbres, it also contributes to the difficulties of sight reading. It is important to develop facility in reading, recognizing the notes, as well as the bar positions in which to play them, the fingerings, the rhythmic patterns, and any markings if interpretation (dynamics, phrasing, articulation, etc.).This book provides an orderly and systematic approach to the study of sight reading, based upon standards for sight reading for the classical guitar found in respected schools around the world. There is not a ton of instructions in the book but I think if you’ve covered my method books the reading will be useful and straight forward.

Publisher’s Info for Level IV-V: Sight Reading for Classical Guitar (Level IV-V) is designed for grade school or university level in either private tutoring of class instruction and is intended to be used by guitar students on a daily basis. This volume, containing Levels Four and Five, continues the study of sight reading, providing material suitable for more advanced students. Both books can be used to establish a reading level for students entering a new environment of guitar instruction, whether it be private tuition or class lessons.