Se inclinassi a prender moglie by Gioacchino Rossini (1792-1868) arranged by Mauro Giuliani (1781-1829) in No.8 from 12 Contradanze. Includes both a Notation-Only Edition and a TAB Edition. The level is Early-Intermediate (Approximately Grade 4). Left Hand Fingering. This is a PDF download.
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- Giuliani-Rossini No.8 (Se inclinassi) from Werner Guitar Editions – My Dedicated Sheet Music Store
This work is from Giuliani’s lesser known 12 Contradanze (1825). No.8 is inspired by the duet “Se inclinassi a prender moglie” from Rossini’s opera L’italiana in Algeri (1813). I use the word inspired as I would call it a loose arrangement but there is a charm to it and the level is very reasonable. Here’s the YouTube Lesson Link if you want to watch it there.