Woodside Guitar Support GS3
More info, specs, and purchasing: Visit Woodside Guitars
Big thanks to Woodside Guitars for sending me the Woodside Guitar Support to review. This is the third time I’ve reviewed the support but they continue to improve the design and now have a variety of accessories to suit player preferences and demands.
The Woodside Support has an excellent design and quality craftsmanship. It feels secure, stable, and comfortable. It uses a reliable clamp system making it a secure option for important sessions or live performance. The pivoting clamp system even fits on raised fingerboard guitars. Many people will enjoy the support right out of the box but two very significant accessories are the Lift Kit for a higher guitar position and the Angle Block adjustment for a steeper angle and closer proximity. These two improvements are huge because the modern player does not want to compromise their perfect position.
Here’s the YouTube link for this review if you want to watch it there. In the video I play this Double by David Kellner (c.1670-1748).
The Pros of the Woodside Support
The GS3 has a few improvements over the GS2. The leg rest is wider, with a gentler curve, providing greater contact with the player’s leg. There is a slight 2° increase in the mount angle between the cradle and support pillar.
- Quality craftsmanship
- Feels secure and solid
- Trustworthy in performance compared to suction cups
- Adjustable for custom angles and positioning of the guitar
- Good maneuverability
- Quick to put on or take off
- Pivoting clamp system compensates for various guitars and raised fingerboards
- Easy hand adjustments for tightening and angles
- Long collar for higher height now comes with the support
- Works on matte finished guitars
- Lift Kit – For those who need additional height. I love the lift kit even though I don’t technically need it when using the long collar. I feel more safe using it and while I’m adjusting the height it stops me from accidentally disassembling the device.
- Angle Block – The Angle Block is excellent. I don’t need it and might not use it but it really opens up possibilities for people. I talk about this in the video. It’s not just the steeper angle that I was impressed with but also that it moves the guitar body closer to one’s centre (or the lower bout closer to the left leg). This is amazing because some people might find that it will help equalize the relaxation and drop of the shoulders and help with other issues.
Concerns and Discussions
All of my past concerns have been addressed in the improvements and optional accessories so I’m very happy with the support. I also really like a static and secure position after all adjustments so this support works well for me. See the video for discussions on movement and playability.
Will the clamp come off? They shouldn’t if you’re playing in a healthy, normal, and responsible way. If it came off I think that would be due to irresponsible expectations and unhealthy playing habits. If it was not tightened enough or tightened too much and the player exerted tons of force on the neck I guess it’s possible it could come off but…don’t do that. Don’t do that with any guitar support or even a footstool. I test this in the video.
The Clamp – Some people have concerns about attaching a clamp to their guitar. Remember that clamps are used in the making of guitars and the side of the instrument is pretty safe for this. Of course, you want to only tighten it enough to securely hold it in place. I’m completely comfortable with the clamp system on my expensive guitar. I played with the old Murata clamp for years and I’d say this system is even more safe due to the pivoting clamp that will more equally distribute the pressure.
In regards to your polish – If you have a bullet proof finish on a factory guitar I think you’re totally fine. For French polish, anything that comes in repeated contact with your guitar will have some wear and tear over the years. Even my leg, chest, and arm contact points eventually make their scuff marks in my French polish, not to mention nail marks on the top. I use a clear non-adhesive protective vinyl material to protect my guitar at the clamp contact point but I don’t think it’s even necessary. I use a non-guitar cling called Grafix ClingVinyl but there are guitar-specific products that are similar such as the brand Kling-on. I’ve used it on French polish and polyurethane finishes but I’ve been told not to use on lacquer finishes. There can be discolouration after removing the vinyl since it has protected the guitar from light and scuff marks. Regardless, use vinyl at your own risk, ask your luthier or guitar maker first. Like I said, I think the support is totally safe to use.
The Woodside Guitar Support is an adjustable, secure, and comfortable guitar support. I trust it in performance and love how the support and accessories enable the perfect guitar position.
For more info, models, specifications, and purchasing please visit Woodside Guitars.

A great pity, unfortunately unusable after a short time. Although it’s not defective and it doesn’t matter whether I clamp it more lightly or more tightly, it slips off the frame during use / playing and falls to the floor (my guitar is finished with French Polish). This is a disaster in the middle of a concert. It can also happen that the guitar falls out of your hand if the support slips (this happened to me). Unfortunately, there is no explanation from Woodsite (despite a detailed description of the problem including photos) and certainly no “support”. Very annoying, so I can only warn you and advise against buying it. Too bad, because the idea is actually good, which is why I bought it.
Sorry to hear that, I wonder why? Mine doesn’t fall off. Are you sitting in the same general classical guitar position that I am in the video? What’s your tension level while playing?
Bradford thank you so much for sharing guitar supports with clamps because there isn’t a lot of choice. I have a question but I need to explain my situation first. I started with the small guitar support from Ukraine you talk about too. My guitar is open pore, clamps are the best secure option. And more I am practicing, more I realize this great minimalist guitar support is limited in adjustability. I am a woman and I noticed my chest adds a lot of unstability. If I want to play with a straight back, my chest pushes back the guitar away. So I have to position the guitar above my chest like the flamenco players. The guitar support very low on the guitar + put very close to my left knee to help lying down the guitar on me,my legs are crossed with a stool is very very low. Lots of tensions, left arm/hand, back left side, legs etc. not good.I feel I need something to prevent the guitar moving everywhere + especially would help to really lie down the guitar on me. Perhaps my analysis is wrong. So what would you recommend? Which one of the murata or the woodside would help me better to solve my situation? It’s difficult without seing me…. I will be happy to read your thoughts and recommendations. Thank you !