Kremona KNA NG-1 Piezo Pickup for Nylon String Guitar
A behind the saddle pickup solution for classical guitar.
Youtube Video Link (4k)
A review of the Kremona KNA NG-1 Piezo Pickup for Nylon String Guitar. Need to amplify your classical guitar? This is a pickup for classical and flamenco guitars that goes on the tie block behind the saddle ensuring that the piezo pickup does not interfere with the sound of your guitar and is detachable. I was super impressed and find this to be the best external pickup solution for classical guitar I’ve seen yet. For casual gigs (cocktail parties, background style music where no one is listening) I like these types of pickups because there is almost no setup and I don’t have to lug around mics and stands. Plus, there is little, if any, feedback. You could also consider this preamp pedal if you want more control: Zoom AC-2 but I don’t think it’s needed for my gigs (although it would be nice to have controls at your fingertips). Note, on a 12 hole bridge there is no change to the angle of the strings which is a bonus!
Need an amp? I love my Roland AC-33.
Kremona’s Promo Blurb:
NG-1 the logical choice for musicians wanting to professionally amplify the natural sound of their nylon stringed guitars without modification. Utilizing the tension of tuned strings, the NG-1 piezo installs safely and securely on the classical or flamenco guitar tie block. NG-1 is a passive system designed to work flawlessly with your favorite acoustic amplifier or colored via your preamp of preference. 1/8″ to 1/4″ cable included.
- Delivers the natural sound of your nylon-string guitar
- No modification to your instrument necessary
- Wooden sensor casing is lightweight and unobtrusive
- Detachable, or may remain installed when not in used
- Includes 8′ foot detachable cable
Pro Video Example
Here’s a professional guitarist, Emma Rush performing Joropo by Jose Luís Merlin at the Guitar Magic: Candlelight Christmas concert in Hamilton, ON in December 2019 via her YouTube. A great example of an even where no-nonsense and quick setup for amplification is needed. This is probably just recorded through the camera mic but it shows you the pickup in action at least. I’m pretty sure it’s the same pickup.
Will this fit on my Fender f150 acoustic guitar
This one is for nylon string guitars but I believe they make one for steel string as well.
I have to play while walking around sometimes, does the cord ever buzz or hit against the guitar?
Yes it can, if sitting you can usually angle it so it doesn’t but walking around I could see it being a problem.
Hello Bradford,
I have the newer NG-2 with volume control, but they sound similar. To be honest, I think it gives me a better recorded guitar sound in my untreated room than any other expensive mic/setup. Very natural sounding. For live performances it’s also a blessing. This pickup is the best kept secret for guitarists like us, I think. Even for the mostly conservative, classical guitar world. Thank you for the review and if you have the time: take a look at my YouTube Channel (Marco Olivier) where I use this pickup for almost all my videos. Greetings, Marco Olivier
Your review tipped me over the edge to buy this pickup. I play duets with a cellist on occasion and it was difficult for people to hear my guitar. Until now! Keep up the reviews.
Wendi Ghiloni, can we listen to your duo? Any recordings?
Very cool-looking amplification option! I’ve been looking for ways to amplify classical guitar for gigs without having to worry about feedback problems while i’m performing and I definitely will look into this after reading your review. One question: does having the pickup behind the saddle affect how the guitar sounds when it is not being amplified?
I talk about that at length in the video, maybe you didn’t get that far. I can’t notice any difference although it possible there is some insignificant energy loss due to a different string angle.
Just watched the video and I also did not hear a noticeable difference in sound. Seems like a great pickup!