The German Baroque: Wolff Jakob Lauffensteiner

Theme of this week:  The German Baroque (click to see all posts). Wolff Jakob Lauffensteiner (1676–1754) is the last composer I’ll feature on this week’s theme of the German Baroque. His music, as his…

The German Baroque: Bernhard Joachim Hagen

Theme of this week:  The German Baroque. Bernhard Joachim Hagen (1720–1787) wrote some amazing works of beauty that are not often played. One reason for this is the unavailability of this works. To…

The German Baroque: Adam Falckenhagen

Theme of this week:  The German Baroque (click to see all posts). Adam Falckenhagen  (26 April 1697 – 6 October 1754) was a German lutenist and composer. He travelled around from court to…

Spotlight: Heike Matthiesen, guitarist

I’m very happy to present this spotlight and interview with guitarist Heike Matthiesen. Heike is very active online and at concerts, festivals, as well as recording. It’s a real pleasure getting…

Sculptures of Guitars by Armand Pierre Fernandez

Some really interesting sculptures made mainly from bronze. ARMAN BIOGRAPHY (1928 – 2005) “I specialize very much in… everything,” the French-born American artist Arman told an interviewer in 1968. “I…

FretBuzz Interview: Jason Vieaux

Fret Buzz is a youth division blog via the Austin Classical Guitar Society. Their tagline is “By young guitarists, for young guitarists.” You can see their videos on the ACGS…

Spotlight: Agustín Castilla-Ávila, composer

Here’s an interview and some media by composer Agustín Castilla-Ávila. He was interviewed by guitarist and organizer Angelito Agcaoili.  Agustín was kind of enough to submit this article for the site. I’ve enclosed…