Seyoung Park plays Allegro from BWV 998 by Bach

Another great youth guitarist. This is Korean guitarist Seyoung Park who’s been playing since 2009 and, as you can see, has progressed wonderfully. You can also check out more videos of…

Adam Holzman plays El Niño by Antonio Lauro

Adam Holzman playing Antonio Lauro’s ‘El Niño’ via GSI on a Dominique Field guitar. Holzman oozes musicality on this short and sweet performance. I’ve never really understood Holzman’s right-hand technique…

Basic Classical Guitar Technique Overview

Basic Classical Guitar Positions & TechniqueAn overview of the photos & diagrams from the siteYouTube Video Link Here is a basic overview of my classical guitar technique visual references all in…

Review: One Night on Earth by Derek Gripper

One Night on Earth: Music from the Strings of Maliby Derek Gripper Label: New Cape RecordsReleased: 2012 Buy or listen to samples (via Amazon) This album by South African guitarist Derek…

John Schneiderman plays Coste on seven-string guitar

John Schneiderman plays Napoleon Coste‘s (1805–1883) “La Zyderzee” on seven-string guitar. Coste was a French guitarist and composer who wrote everything from etudes to concert works. He had a particular…

An Amusing Song by Vittorio Reggianini

Vittorio Reggianini’s (Italian, 1858-1938) painting “An Amusing Song.” Vittorio Reggianini (Italian, 1858-1938)An Amusing SongOil on canvas Image Credit: