Pastorale, Studi Facili No.15 by Angelo Gilardino

Pastorale, No.15 from Studi facili per chitarra by Angelo Gilardino (b.1941-2022). Published by Edizioni Curci. The subtitle or etude description is: Monodia con suoni armonici sui tasti VII, IX, XII…

Adam Cicchillitti Plays Prelude in C Minor by Barrios

Canadian guitarist Adam Cicchillitti performs Prelude in C Minor by Agustin Barrios Mangore (1885-1944). This comes via Cicchillitti’s YouTube channel and recorded by Drew Henderson. Great performance by Cicchillitti with beautiful phrasing and pacing. One of the…

Thu Le and Alexandra Whittingham Play Tedesco

Thu Le and Alexandra Whittingham perform Prelude and Fugue in E Major from Les Guitares bien tempérées (The Well-Tempered Guitars), Op.199 which is a collection of 24 preludes and fugues in all 24 major and…

Antonio Rugolo Plays Estudio de Velocidad by Tarrega

Antonio Rugolo performs Estudio de Velocidad by Francisco Tárrega (1852–1909). This comes via his YouTube channel. Nice playing and phrasing by Rugolo of this etude by Tarrega that really pushes lots of single lines but also…

Michael Butten Plays Narváez

Michael Butten performs three works by Luys de Narváez (fl. 1526-1549) on classical guitar. This comes via the Omni Foundation for Performing Arts and their great Youtube channel. Great repertoire and performance by Butten, he explains…

Yair Avidor Plays Sarabande and Double by François Dufault

Yair Avidor performs Sarabande and Double by French lutenist François Dufault (c.1604-1672) on an 11-course lute by Paul Thomson. This comes via his great YouTube channel. Dufault was a student of Denis Gaultier (c.1597-1672), but very…

Les 100 de Roland Dyens

Les Productions d’OZ with the help of Louis Trépanier have enlisted numerous guitarists to perform and record the complete Les 100 de Roland Dyens on YouTube. The set is 100…