Review: Mosaic by Michael Kolk

Mosaic: Classical Guitar Favouritesby Michael Kolk Artist Website: michaelkolkguitar.comALMA Records: Buy the album or listen to samples: Mosaic via AmazonOr check out his website for more purchase options. Review by…

Alí Arango plays Güajiras de Lucía

Cuban guitarist Alí Arango rips it up with Paco’s Güajiras de Lucía. Pretty amazing speed work and great rhythmic feel. Some info via his YouTube: “Guitar by Yuichi Imai. Realización y Edición: Alí Arango. Ali…

Duo Vitare play Guitar & Cello Works

Duo Vitare perform guitar and cello works in this absolutely stunning setting. This is classical music promotion at its best folks. Just wonderful. In promotion of their new recording: Duo…

Practicing Scales: Versatility and Vitality

One of the biggest problems with music education these days is that many students are practicing scales in the same way, everyday…forever. For example, let’s say a teacher is using…

Rolf Lislevand Plays Santiago de Murcia on a 1679 Guitar

Rolf Lislevand plays A.Stradivari Sabionari, 1679 guitar. He’s playing Tarantela by Spanish guitarist and composer Santiago de Murcia (1673–1739). I just love Baroque guitar with its pluckier softer sound. When played…

Rovshan Mamedkuliev plays Amirov

Fikret Amirov‘s Lyrical Dance and On Hunting from Miniatures played by Russian guitarist Rovshan Mamedkuliev via GSI. Wow, a beautiful opening work followed by some extreme virtuosity in the dance. Make…

Practicing with a metronome: pros, cons, & tips

Many students wonder how often they should practice with a metronome because there is little consensus in music education as to the benefits or negative consequences. Before outlining some pros and…

Rovshan Mamedkuliev Plays Gran Jota by Tárrega

Rovshan Mamedkuliev Plays Gran Jota by Tárrega via the Portland Classic Guitar Series. This guy definitely has energy…too fast on occasion? Impressive nevertheless. I do like his extreme articulations and dynamics,…