Lesson: Study No. 24, Op. 60 by Fernando Sor

This post is for my new PDF eBook: Ten Classical EtudesLesson: Study No. 24, Op. 60 by Fernando Sor (1778–1839)Includes fingering, notation & notation + TAB edition.YouTube Video Performance and Lesson…

Strata Motion for Guitar Quartet by Richard Melkonian

A live performance of Strata Motion for Guitar Quartet by Richard Melkonian who is a composer and conductor currently studying at Guildhall School for Music & Drama.  Performed by Remy Reber (Guitar I) Giacomo…

On Practicing - A Manual for Students of Guitar by Ricardo Iznaola

Quality Practice Sessions

Ideas on practicing music with a focus on quality. This not a ‘how to practice’ post but really just a reminder to students about the importance of quality in your…

Marcin Dylla Plays Ständchen by Schubert – Mertz

Marcin Dylla plays Ständchen by Franz Schubert (1797–1828) on a 1924 Hermann Hauser via Siccas Guitars and their Youtube channel. The arrangement is by Johann Kaspar Mertz (1806-1856) who arranged many…

Changes Upon the Guitar by Frank Wallace

Changes Upon the Guitar from As It Could Be by Frank A. Wallacefor violin, viola and seven guitarsWritten: December, 2013 for Richard Provost and the Hartt School of MusicCommissioned by:…

Frank Wallace plays Fire from The Elements

Fire is the first of four movements from The Elements, written and performed by composer/guitarist Frank Wallace via his YouTube and Gyre Music Label. You can also check out this glowing…

Scott Morris Lesson on Sitting Position & Posture

Another great video by Scott Morris via Guitar Salon International. In this video Morris talks about posture, sitting position, guitar supports and more. Here’s the blurb via their YouTube: “In this…

Adam Holzman plays Capriccio by Pietro Paolo Melli

Adam Holzman plays Capriccio “Il Gran Monarca” by Pietro Paolo Melli (1575-1620) at the Boston GuitarFest 2011. Holzman is famous for his excellent teaching and high level students but his playing is equally…

Seyoung Park plays Brouwer Etudes 1-5

Seyoung Park is one of the Youth Guitarists I’ve been following. Here she plays Brouwer’s Estudio Sencillos 1-5. She has a great YouTube channel and continues to record. I like featuring youth…