Xingye Li plays Allegro BWV 1003 by Bach

Xingye Li plays Allegro BWV 1003 by J.S. Bach (1685-1750) on a 2014 Roy Fankhänel guitar. This is from Bach’s Violin Sonata No. 2 in A minor, BWV 1003. This…

Carulli Duetto No. 1, Op. 4 for Guitar & Violin

Carulli Duetto No. 1, Op. 4 for Guitar & ViolinMovements: Largetto & RondoFree Sheet Music (PDF)by Ferdinando Carulli (1770-1841) Free Sheet Music Edition: Duetto No. 1, Op. 4 for Guitar…

Dublin Guitar Quartet Play Philip Glass

Fantastic playing regardless of what you think of Glass on guitar. They have really worked out these arrangements. Dublin Guitar Quartet with Brian Bolger, Pat Brunnock, Tomas O’Durcain, and Michael O’Toole…

How to pack a guitar for shipping

Let there be a video for every topic! Here the excellent Siccas Guitars via their YouTube channel show us how to properly pack a guitar for shipping or selling it.

Tension & Relaxation for Classical Guitarists

Here’s a little video lesson regarding tension and relaxation for classical guitar or musicians in general. It’s more of a discussion than anything else but I hope you find it…

Review: Shades & Contrasts by Christina Sandsengen

Shades & Contrasts by Christina SandsengenRelease Date: November 4, 2014Label: OdradekCopyright: Odradek Records Artist Website: Listen to samples or buy via Amazon: Shades & Contrasts Repertoire:Carlo Domeniconi: Koyunbaba (Suite Op. 19)Isaac…

Classical Guitar Weekend in Calgary

Over the weekend I was honoured to be able to adjudicate the MRU Fall Guitar Festival, a program presented by the Mount Royal University Conservatory as well as the Classical…

The Gravity of Ms. Peters by Bret Williams

The Gravity of Ms. Peters by Bret Williams with Mark Dover, Clarinet. Matt Aprea, violin. Bret Williams, guitar. Marc Schmied, Bass. I quite like this ensemble work which is very…