The Guitar Works of Yori-Aki Matsudaira

I was doing some research on post-minimalist composers (if we dare use such defining musical terms) and never knew that Japanese composer Yori-Aki Matsudaira 松平 頼暁 (born 1931) had written guitar works. To…

The Wayward Trail by Elliot Simpson

The Wayward TrailElliot Simpson, Just Intonation GuitarMicroFest Records 2015Executive Producer: John Schneider Buy or listen to Samples on Amazon or SoundCloud The last two album reviews featuring just intonation were…

Thomas Viloteau Plays Caterete by Sergio Assad

French guitarist Thomas Viloteau plays Caterete, written by Sergio Assad on a guitar made by Bastien Burlot. Notice that this guitar has no soundhole…it frightens me. It’s like looking at…

Lesson: Ornamentation in Bach by Jason Vieaux

Grammy winner Jason Vieaux lectures and demonstrates his methods of ornamentation in the music of Baroque composer Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). This comes via the GFA Channel on YouTube. Nice…

Basic Rasgueado Exercises for Classical Guitar

This is a new video lesson for my ebook: 20 Favorite Exercises for Classical Guitar – For beginner to intermediate classical guitarists (Includes: notation, TAB, fingerings, practice tips). I’ve been meaning to…

Basic String Crossing Exercise for Classical Guitar

This is a video lesson for my ebook: 20 Favorite Exercises for Classical Guitar – For beginner to intermediate classical guitarists (Includes: notation, TAB, fingerings, practice tips). I’ve been meaning to re-record…

Artyom Dervoed Plays Callahan

Russian guitarist Artyom Dervoed plays The Red Fantasy by Kevin Callahan (b. 1958). This is actually a few years old from Boston GuitarFest 2011 but they keep releasing these gems…

Tatyana Ryzhkova Plays Bach BWV 998

Tatyana Ryzhkova performs Prelude from BWV 998 by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). I mainly posted this one for the spectacular setting of the video, although the playing is also good,…

Basic Slur Exercises for Classical Guitar

This is a video lesson for my ebook: 20 Favorite Exercises for Classical Guitar – For beginner to intermediate classical guitarists (Includes: notation, TAB, fingerings, practice tips). This exercise, No. 6 & 7 – Slurs…

Review: Bidla by Agnew McAllister Duo

Bidla – Agnew McAllister DuoAisling Agnew (Flute), Matthew McAllister (Guitar) Artist Websites:,, Release Date: June 15, 2015Editor, Producer, Artwork: Uros BaricIn Collaboration with Baros Records Buy or Listen…

Roland Dyens Plays Prelude/Improvisation

Roland Dyens in concert at the Guitar Salon International showroom in Santa Monica, CA, playing an improvisation, or prelude, to open the concert. He’s playing a 1956 Robert Bouchet classical…