New Release: Boyd Meets Girl (Cello & Guitar)

Boyd Meets Girl (Sono Luminus), 2017Duo Website: boydmeetsgirlduo.comRupert Boyd, guitar & Laura Metcalf, cello Buy or Listen to Samples via Amazon: Boyd Meets GirlFull Release on July 28th, Pre-orders Available.…

Brouwer Etude No. 13 and Lesson

Leo Brouwer’s Etude No. 13 from Estudios SencillosYouTube Video Link (4k Quality) Sheet Music (complete etudes in one book) via amazon: Leo Brouwer Guitar Works Cuban composer Leo Brouwer’s Etude No. 13 from Estudios Sencillos. I play the…

Lesson: Guitarists Should Practice Triadic Arpeggios

Lesson /Discussion of the Week – Triadic Arpeggios for GuitarGuitarists should practice actual arpeggios more often.Youtube Video Link A discussion and lesson about the importance of practicing triadic arpeggios for…

Drew Henderson Plays Sonata in D minor by Cimarosa

Canadian guitarist Drew Henderson plays Sonata in D minor by Domenico Cimarosa (1749-1801). This comes via his fantastic YouTube Channel. Drew is an amazing guitarist, recording engineer, and video producer.…

New Release: Baroque Music by Uroš Barič

Delighted to hear that the excellent Slovenian guitarist/producer extraordinaire Uroš Barič has a new album which you can check out here: Baroque Music. Uroš is a great guitarist who also…

Andrea González Caballero plays Aire Vasco by Manjón

Spanish guitarist Andrea González Caballero plays Aire Vasco by Antonio Manjón (1866-1919). This comes via Guitar Salon International and their YouTube. Great playing with plenty of nice phrasing and some virtuosic rhythmic sections. Pretty good…

Eden Stell Guitar Duo Play Mompou

The excellent Eden Stell Guitar Duo have an upcoming CD release: Cançons i Danses by Federico Mompou (1893-1987). This is just a live excerpt. This comes via their great YouTube.…

Alberto Mesirca Plays Scarlatti and Gilardino

The amazing Italian guitarist Alberto Mesirca plays Sonata K239 by Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) and Studio n.49 – Paesaggio ligure from Studi di virtuosità e di trascendenza by Angelo Gilardino (b.…

Ana Vidovic plays Sarabande BWV 1007

Ana Vidovic plays from the Sarabande from Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major BWV 1007 by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). This comes via Siccas Guitars and their great YouTube Channel.…