A review of the Murata GR-1 and GR-2, Guitar Rest (support). The GR-1 uses suction cups and the GR-2 uses the classic clamps system. The Murata is simple which is great but not very adjustable so it’s a trade. Adjustable supports with more moving parts can slip or fail but the simple designs don’t always allow the perfect angle.
If you are worried about your guitar’s finish, try a non-adhesive protective material. I’ve used a non-guitar one called Grafix ClingViynl. I’ve used it on French polish and polyurethane finishes but ask your luthier if it’s safe for your finish. I also use a black cloth/foam Shelf Liner on my right leg to keep the guitar from slipping.
You can also check out my dedicated page for Guitar Supports and all my other reviews.
Murata GR-1 – Suction Cup Support
The newer suction cup version of the Murata is a very welcome addition. Because all the weight and pressure from the guitar pushes down on the suction cups they never seem to come off while playing. The only downside is that in order to get the perfect angle and height I had to modify it. Here’s the Youtube Review Link if you want to watch it there.
I bought the Murata Guitar Support Pole Replacement, Black 5 7/8 inches but I hacksawed off about a cm. I also put a washer in the upper connecting piece to get a steeper guitar angle.
Murata GR-2 – Clamp System Guitar Support
This has been around since the 70’s I think, does anyone know the earliest date? Violinist’s have been using clamps for chin-rests for decades so it makes sense on guitar as well. The Woodside Guitar Support is very similar and is adjustable so you have to pick your preference between adjustability or simplicity. Moving parts are more adjustable but not always more secure.
The good side
- Relatively simple and small design. I love minimal.
- Durable
- Ergonomic Position
- Clamps are secure
- Feels solid, completely trustworthy in performance
- Does not work with my raised fingerboard guitar. The body of my guitar is not an even width due to my raised fingerboard so I no longer use it. It will work well on normal guitars without a sloping top.
- The big pad could be just a small arched bar with foam (similar to the GuitarLift?). That said, the big leg rest is comfortable and secure.

Thank you for this recommendation!
Is the dynarette cushion large enough to approximate a 7″ footstool height?
I would say no. Some people use the footstool on super low and the cushion to make up for it…
Hi Bradford,
I got one of these but I’m having trouble as my guitar has a slightly curved back. What did you use for foam supports on one side to fix the width adjustment issue?
I used elastics actually, nothing else seemed to do it…
I’ve been playing on one of these for a few years now; I love it with two exceptions.
1) It has damaged my instrument
2) The threads on the thumb screw stripped out, so I replaced it with a regular screw. Now the threads in the device have stripped out. There isn’t much that can be done on Murata’s end to fix this; its bound to happen after a few years.
Fortunately, both these problems can be fixed by going with the suction cup method. I think the analogy to violin is a poor one for two reasons:
1) The violinist is already “clamping” the instrument; that is to say that the device is working in conjunction with the violinist’s body.
2) For the above reason, placing a suction cup on the side of the violin is problematic because the side is too thin and is perpendicular to the force being applied. Placing a suction cup on the top and back is obviously unacceptable for tone production.
Arguing that something has been done x way for a number of years, therefore it should continue to be done that way is a weak argument (raised fingerboards would be a perfect example of what happens when people move beyond tradition).
Go forth and use suction cups (with protection, if necessary)!
suction-cups are awesome
You’re right actually. Suction-cups are awesome when they work. It’s when they come off in a concert that I don’t like them. I will grant equal rights for suction-cups.
I saw Benjamin Verdery use one of these in concert and it failed on him, the post separated when he lifted his guitar and he was forced to play the remainder of the piece holding his guitar in the air. While I don’t put all my faith in suction cups (although mine have never failed on me), the Ergoplay’s simplicity keeps things like this from happening.
Just when I swore I was done buying supports (I still love my Dynarette) this thing looks pretty awesome… great review man 🙂
One is never done in the guitar world!
Nice pick! The Ergoplay Troester work sell for me, but the Murata is an excellent pick and I have one too! Your body is telling you a big thanks for using an ergonomical support! 😉
I like the Ergoplay Troester more but I just can’t stand the suction-cups…Ergoplay needs to get clamps going…