Maria Luisa (Mazurka), Op.19 by Sagreras (Lesson, PDF)

Maria Luisa (Mazurka), from Tres Piezas Fáciles, Op.19 by Julio Sagreras (1879-1942). This comes from my Classical Guitar Repertoire Lessons Grade 5 book. Five pieces at the grade 5 level with dedicated lessons preparing you for each piece.

In this lesson I cover some upper position scales in the key of the piece as well as a few chord shapes to know. This should help with fretboard knowledge and upper position orientation. I end the lesson by doing a full walk through of the work. Sagreras was an Argentine guitarist, pedagogue, and composer. His many lessons are contained in a multi-volume method book that include numerous studies. He also has a large number of stand alone works such as the one here from op.19.

Note: Bar 14 in the original is an F natural. It would make more sense as an F sharp to make a B7 leading to E but I’ve decided to leave it as natural since it is a measure away from the cadence. It’s a more logical choice as an F natural but oddities are common in this era and guitar music. It might not have bothered him as it doesn’t bother me, but from a textbook theory perspective F sharp is better choice. Also, the rest of the work is harmonically very tame and by the book for the most part. I’m living on the wild side!

Bradford Werner
Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner is a classical guitarist and music publisher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He originally created this site for his students at the Victoria Conservatory of Music but now shares content worldwide. Curating guitar content helps students absorb the culture, musical ideas, and technique of the classical guitar. Bradford also has a YouTube channel with over 94,000 subscribers and 13 million views. He taught classical guitar at the Victoria Conservatory of Music for 16 years and freelanced in Greater Victoria for 20 years and now dedicates much of his time curating content online and helping connect the classical guitar community. See more at his personal website.

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