Lágrima, Preludio by Francisco Tárrega (1852–1909). PDF sheet music and video for classical guitar. Comes with both a notation edition with left hand fingering and a separate tab edition. The level is intermediate (Grade 4).
My PDF Sheet Music Edition
Or in my Grade 4 Repertoire Lessons Book
Lágrima [Tear] – Preludio by Francisco Tárrega (1852–1909). This work has become one of the most famous pieces in the repertoire. This is a nice short work played by professionals and students alike. Although there are some small sections to overcome, the rewarding melody and sound are well worth the effort. Here’s the YouTube Lesson Link if you want to watch it there.
This piece is available as an individual selection or in my grade 4 book (both video above). You will notice some difficult sections in this short and sweet work, but don’t get discouraged. I’ve taught this piece to many students, in fact I make every grade 4 student play it. Since it is such a popular work, there are thousands of examples of students playing in on YouTube and at recitals. I assure you that the difficulties can be overcome with patience and practice. My lesson covers: Some note and scale review for fingerboard knowledge. Playing the melody to help your phrasing and to orient yourself before playing all the accompaniment. Three ways to practice the difficult part from bar 5-7.
Promotional Cover and Samples

So helpful, thank you! I have been working on Lagrima for a little bit and have mostly been struggling with the technical aspects, totally forgetting about the beautiful melody. I really appreciate your posts, especially this one!