Just bought one of these cute little guys. I wanted something to travel with for camping or short trips. It’s called the Yamaha Guitalele (more info at Amazon) a so called hybrid of a guitar and ukulele. However, I’d just call it a small guitar as its more similar to a guitar than a uke.
How does it feel?
Feels fun to play, although holding it can be funny for classical playing. It feels best while lounging on the sofa in a weird position. It’s best for just chilling out and strumming.
What do I use it for?
Mostly chilling out and and having fun. However, last year I went to Cuba and my buddy and I had a concert a few days after returning. We only brought ukuleles to play. However, with only four strings it was tricky to get through anything. This little guitalele would have been perfect. Just enough to get the fingering and positions into my head. Of course, its small size is not ideal for actual practice (re muscle memory) but it allows one to work through material in the very least. It does have the 12th fret at the body there so is technically very similar.
How does it sound?
It does not sound spectacular. I admit it. But it does have a certain charm for its small size. It’s not as heavenly as the sound of a ukulele but does have a bit of that docile plucky sound. Like most yamaha instrument though it is built correctly and works great. For that reason I like it. The balance is okay. The intonation okay. The playability is not the best but I’m used to it now.
For the price and purpose I have little complaints and recommend this one. However, I do wish it had a strap peg as a strap would be welcome. Also, it could be great for teaching little kids but without a strap that would be difficult. I’m going to super glue a peg on there…
The cost?
The cost sold me, only $88.21 on Amazon (I actually paid more at the local store, about $115.00). It’s cheap enough that I don’t care too much what happens to it so flying or cramming in the car is fine by me. Can’t wait to take it camping!
It’s not a substitute for an actual guitar but it’s also not one of those stupid travel guitars that have no body. It’s a good deal and is fun to play. I bought one for myself and my duo partner. If you’re someone who needs a guitar at all times, I highly recommend it.
See more info or buy it now from Amazon (click here)
Here’s a picture of mother and child:

I really want to try this! Good for kids? Any experience in teaching?!
I haven’t used it teaching yet. You would likely want to install a peg to put a strap on it or a guitar support of sorts…
Bradford, I wonder if this guitarlele could be used as a terz guitar so that one could play some of Mertz’s duos for guitar and terz guitar. Just a thought.
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Charlie, it could if you lowered the tuning a step… depends of who you’re playing with as these are fairly cheap instruments. Although I have actually used them in concert before for some Renaissance strumming in my trio. Also, beware that the frets are pretty close together so virtuosity could be tricky, these are smaller than a terz…
Nice! I will certainly buy one!