A review of Guitar Nails Kit, removable fake nails for classical guitar that use double-sided tape.
I broke my thumb nail off yesterday and 10 minutes later I was back to playing with a Guitar Nails Kit removable fake nail that uses two-sided tape. I ordered these just in case I ever had a nail emergency. I’ve found these tape-on nails to be so helpful. You can use them all the time or just when you are having a nail issue such as a break. I had a split on my i finger and used it just until the nail could grow out past the break.
Please note, these are the first fake nails I’ve tried for classical guitar as I’ve always been apprehensive about glue-on nails as they can damage your real nail. However, this two-sided tape solution saved my practice day and, theoretically, doesn’t damage your real nail. I have talked to a few professional guitarists who use these in performance so that street-cred encouraged me to try them.
Application – I cut the pre-formed fake nail with scissors to a very approximate and long shape. Then you simply place the double-sided tape on the nail and peel off the top paper, press the synthetic nail on and you’re done. File into shape and polish as you would a normal nail. I recommend pre-cutting a few so if you had to do it in a concert you’d only need to go back stage for 5 minutes.
How Strong is the Tape? I haven’t dug into the string outrageously hard but I certainly played forte. I keep expecting it to just fly off but so far it is staying on really well. I use a fairly short thumbnail so that might be helping as it would have less leverage at the tip.
How Long Does it Last? I’ve had it on for 4 days. I practiced, washed my hands, showered, etc. I removed it at the end of the 4th day when the edges started coming loose. A colleague mentioned they change them every 3-4 days but they are playing a ton and concertizing so you’d want to play it on the safe side.
How to Remove the Nails – The instructions say to remove the nail with sanitizer gel. I will post an update on this after I remove it.
Reapplication – After three or four days I remove the nail, clean it and placed it back on in 2 minutes. It doesn’t seem to wear down too much so I can get a few applications of nail after first use. I get about 4 uses out of one nail before it gets too short and I need a new one, that is super helpful as I don’t have to cut and file down a new one each time.
Fingernails – Worked great for me. My i finger has a funny shape which I usually correct with a hot spoon but these actually work better for me and the tone is better too.
Thumbnail – I have a freakishly flat and wide thumbnail so I did have to cut the sides of the fake nail off where they curve and then flatten it further with a hot spoon. But it worked great (see pic below).
How does it sound? It sound pretty good. I would say for some of my fingers that have an odd shape that the fake nails sound better than my real nail. For my thumb, on occasion I’ll strike the string at a weird angle and then I have heard some plastic-y tones. I guess it depends on how good your normal nails sound.
Health – I know some players who use these everyday for year and leave them on for four days at a time without issue. However, at least one person has reported (see comments) that if you leave them on for days there can be potential for bacterial or fungal infection due to trapped moisture. If you remove them every day that would solve that issue. Certainly a consideration.

More photos and video coming soon.
I tried these a few months ago and they just didn’t work for mel; they sounded okay, but would come off after about 2 days. Prior to that, I tried nail strengthening polish. At first I was so exicted with that option, but after about 6 weeks, I noticed that the polish was damaging my nailes (making them very thin).
Since all that, I have returned to acrylic nails. They are great — no fuss. I get them removed and replaced about every 3 weeks for $20 (before tip). They can be a bit thick, but that can be managed by filing underneath the nail. When I get them replaced, I have them use the dremel bit to thin them out underneath the nail. As they grow out, I just use a file under the nail to keep them thinner.
Just my $0.02 that I wanted to share.
Just a word of caution to you. Before my own nails grew out, I was wearing nails just like this. I left them on for several days, but I began to develop ‘green’ spots on my real nail underneath the fake nail. Apparently, good handwashing is the enemy of fake fingernails, because even superior water can contain the pseudomonas bacteria and it gets trapped under the fake nail. The nail tape advertises being water proof, but if you use your hands at all tiny bits of water can trickle under and start the infectious process. This can weaken your real nail. So, my best advise to you, as a nurse and someone with first hand experience is that it is better to remove and replace EVERY DAY! This is not hard to do with the tape. It just takes a minute and you will avoid infection this way.
Thanks for contributing that advise. I know some people who use them all the time and haven’t had issues but you bring up an important point and if that happened it could be devastating to a guitarist! Thanks again. Do you think using a nail hardener could help as a protective barrier between the two, or would that actually compound the issue?
These look extremely helpful, since I struggle to keep nails from breaking etc. But, I’m only able to find them through Amazon.it. Is there another source, or do I just need to order from Europe?
I bought mine from Grand Salon in Montreal (https://www.grandsalondeguitare.com/). I’m sure String by Mail have them as well.