Grade 1 Repertoire Supplement for Classical Guitar. PDF sheet music in notation only with fingering with free video lessons. Contains 10 works at the grade 1 level. This is a PDF download.
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Info and Prerequisite – This book provides additional repertoire for students who have completed my Volume 1 and 2 method books and specifically Repertoire Lessons Grade 1. No new concepts are introduced so these works provide students with an opportunity for increased refinement of musical skills, technique, reading, enjoyment, and more.
Video Lesson Links and Repertoire
- A Toye – Anonymous Renaissance Lute Work
- Spanish Air by Catharina Josepha Pratten (1824-1895)
- O’Carolan’s Dream by Turlough O’Carolan (1670-1738)
- Enfantillage, No.1, Op.89 by Jacques Bosch (1825-1895)
- Prelude No.2, Op.114 by Ferdinando Carulli (1770-1841)
- Andantino Affectuoso by Jean-Racine Meissonnier (1794-1856)
- Vals No.4 by Antonio Cano (1811-1897)
- Leccion No.77 by Julio Sagreras (1879-1942)
- Leccion No.78 by Julio Sagreras (1879-1942)
- Leccion No.66 by Julio Sagreras (1879-1942)
Do you have plans for similar collections for later grades?
Yes, there will be more music in each grade. Actually, the eventual plan is to have one book per grade that will include a technique routine and a good number of pieces with a title like “Grade 1 Collection”. To some extent this already exists if you consider my “Easy Classical Guitar” books but the plan is to create a single book that covers everything so it’s super simple and clear to students.