Goran Krivokapić plays Sonata para guitarra by Antonio José

Goran Krivokapić plays Sonata para guitarra by Antonio José (1902-1936). Sound by Sascha Etezazi and video by William Lepp via the GFA Online Convention 2020 and is dedicated to Sabrina Vlaškalić. You can find the sheet music via SMP: Sonata para guitarra by José. Movement and video times:

  • I Allegro moderato (00:00)
  • II Minueto (07:25)
  • III Pavana triste (10:03)
  • IV Final (15:01)

Many listeners will be familiar with Jose’s well known Sonata para guitarra which is one of the most significant sonatas in the repertoire. I just listened to the whole work on the recent Michael Kolk album I reviewed. Great playing by Krivokapić with clear thematic and motivic cohesion and some beautiful phrasing throughout. Virtuosity to spare!

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