First Dynamics and Etude No.3 (Sound Picture) from Method Book Volume 1 for Classical Guitar. This lesson in from my free pdf Classical Guitar Method Book Volume 1 and is the first introduction to playing dynamics on the classical guitar. I also cover two exercises for dynamics and Etude No.3 (Sound Picture) which has dynamics as well as being the first arpeggio piece with left hand notes. The dynamics I cover are piano (soft), mezzo-forte (medium loud), and forte (loud) as well as crescendo and decrescendo. Here’s the YouTube link if you want to watch it there.
Video Times and Topics
- 00:00 Intro
- 0:42 Dynamics Intro
- 1:30 Conceptualizing Dynamics
- 3:06 Five Dynamic Markings
- 4:17 Two Exercises for Dynamics
- 7:20 Written vs Unwritten Dynamics
- 8:45 Etude No.3 (Sound Picture)
This video was performed on a Douglass Scott classical guitar with Augustine Regal (Red) strings and a Le Support guitar rest. See all my gear here.