Exploring the Fretboard No.100: How to Create Your Own Exercises

Exploring the Fretboard No.100: How to create your own exercises for fretboard exploration on classical guitar from my book Exploring the Fretboard: 100 Exercises for Intermediate Guitar. PDF sheet music with notation, left hand fingering, and video lessons. This book offers students a set amount of ordered material and a variety of ways to investigate the fretboard. It has been designed as an exploratory primer before further and more comprehensive study.

Topics and Times

  • 0:00 Intro and Discussion
  • 1:08 – Say the note names out loud
  • 4:46 – Try fragments in different positions or octaves
  • 7:30 – Make up similar exercises
  • 8:12 – Re-finger a musical passage
  • 8:25 – Study some basics of jazz
  • 9:45 – Transpose to different keys
  • 11:40 – Conclusion

Here is the YouTube link if you want to watch it there.

Bradford Werner
Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner is a classical guitarist and music publisher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He originally created this site for his students at the Victoria Conservatory of Music but now shares content worldwide. Curating guitar content helps students absorb the culture, musical ideas, and technique of the classical guitar. Bradford also has a YouTube channel with over 97,000 subscribers and 14 million views. He taught classical guitar at the Victoria Conservatory of Music for 16 years and freelanced in Greater Victoria for 20 years and now dedicates much of his time curating content online and helping connect the classical guitar community. See more at his personal website.

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  1. Sold!! I’m 63 years old and I wish I had this book when I started guitar lessons at age 15. Of course, I didn’t have the hindsight back then. ; )