Classical Guitar Technique: Essential Exercises, Scales, and Arpeggios

Classical Guitar Technique: Essential Exercises, Scales, and Arpeggios – PDF or Hardcopy technique book with free video lessons for each exercise. Notation Only with Fingering, String Numbers, and Positions. PDF Download or Hardcopy, 122 Pages. 2019 Edition. By Bradford Werner

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Includes: Practice Routines, Tips, 100 Open String Exercises, 120 Giuliani Arpeggios, Selected Scales (Major, Minor, 3rds, 6ths, Octaves, 10ths), Slur Exercises, Shifts, Finger Independence, Alignment, Stretch, Barre, Tremolo, Common Harmonics, Speed and Relaxation, and more. View the Table of Contents

Info: This book focuses on essential exercises for the development of classical guitar technique. All the exercises from the headings of the table of contents progress from easy to advanced in a progressive format. Although this is a book of exercises rather than a method, I have included many helpful tips throughout the book to aid students. As with all my materials, the video lessons are an added educational advantage.

Level: Intended for beginner to early-advanced classical guitar students (approximately RCM Toronto Grade 1-9). As a basic prerequisite students would have completed both Volume One and Two of my beginner method book series or an equivalent. There are a number of exercises in upper positions that include accidentals, therefore, additional reading experience is required if you wish to study the entire book. The inclusion of fingering, string numbers, and position marks should make the exercises easy to understand. The 100 open string exercises should be very accessible to beginners and advanced students alike.

Video Lessons for this Book

The lessons below cover multiple exercises in one video but see the indented lessons that cover specific exercises and topics in greater detail. You might also want to review this lesson on how to play legato on classical guitar.

Customer Question & Answers

  • There are so many exercises, how to I manage my time? First, see the practice routines in the book and routine videos for your level. If you’re an intermediate player, remember to stay focused on the core elements of Scales, Arpeggios, Slurs, Barre, and Stretch/Independence. If you can get a little of each of those in every practice session then you are doing well. For the open string exercises, first go through all of them and make sure you can play each one at a reasonable speed. Do only one of them during a session if needed. Check them off as you go. Once you’ve covered them all, focus on a select few that give you trouble. After that you can probably just play the Giuliani Arpeggios to save time. Pretty much the same advice for all the sections, go through everything, focus on your weaknesses and make them your strengths.
    • Think of the technique routine in terms of categories of exercises rather than a ton of individual exercises. As long as you are working on each category you don’t need to work on every exercise everyday. 
  • Does this book include TAB? No, it is notation only. However, I think you will find everything very easy to read since it is highly pattern oriented with fingering, string numbers and positions marks. Plus, the open string and arpeggio exercises are super easy to read. If you need TAB try my 20 Favorite Exercises Book.
  • How similar is this book to 20 Favorite Exercises? This book has hundreds of exercises and the full extent of what I teach my students when it comes to technique. 20 Favorite Exercises is pretty small but it includes tab which some people will want. Most of the 20 Favorite exercises are included in this book although some are altered.

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Review of Classical Guitar Technique
Bradford Werner
Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner is a classical guitarist and music publisher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He originally created this site for his students at the Victoria Conservatory of Music but now shares content worldwide. Curating guitar content helps students absorb the culture, musical ideas, and technique of the classical guitar. Bradford also has a YouTube channel with over 97,000 subscribers and 14 million views. He taught classical guitar at the Victoria Conservatory of Music for 16 years and freelanced in Greater Victoria for 20 years and now dedicates much of his time curating content online and helping connect the classical guitar community. See more at his personal website.


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  1. Dear Mr. Werner

    I trust all is well. Congratulations and well done on you new technique book which I have acquired recently. It is most helpful and instructive. It has become an essential part of my learning resources which I use with my wonderfully patient teacher Natasha whom you so kindly referred me to last year.

    I wanted to wish you and your family a merry and blessed Xmas and happy New year. look forward to continue following your website in 2019.

    Kind regards

    Jason (Malta)

    • Hi, I just bought this book and it’s great! However, I notice there are some large numbers on the staff of some exercises. I’ve never seen that before. What is the purpose of these numbers? Thank you!

      • Hi Mathieu,

        Are you talking about Roman numerals above the staff? Those are position marks, that is, the relative position of the left hand 1st finger to the fret. So III. would be first finger around the 3rd fret. VI. would be first finger around the 6th fret.