Classical Guitar Duets – Free Sheet Music (PDF)

On this page I’ve listed classical guitar duets for beginners, intermediates, and advanced guitarists. The sheet music is from this site as well as other publishers and trusted stores. Also keep an eye on my sheet music page as I’m currently making more duets for free and for purchase. I’ll try to update this page as I find more free duets online. Receive Updates via our Email Newsletter.

Free Beginner Duets 

  • Beginner Duets from my free Method Book Vol.1
  • Get the Free PDF beginner method: Classical Guitar Method – Vol I including duets: Nocturne, Ode to Joy, Jazz Cat; Waltz by Czerny, Minuet by Wilton, Morning by Diabelli; Minuet by Hook, Flow Gently, Sweet Afton; The Skye Boat Song; Minuet in G by Petzold

Premium Duets from this Site

Premium Duets from Other Publishers

Free Duets from the Web

Carulli, Ferdinando (IMSLP):

From: Forrest Guitar Ensembles

Albeniz, I.
Cuba (Caprice Creole) No.8 from Suite Española for classical guitar duet.
Cuba (Caprice Creole) No.8 from Suite Española for requinto and guitar duet.

La Rossignol from the lute duet.

Bach, J.S.
Prelude No.3 from 48 Preludes and Fugues for pianoforte.

Byrd W.
Earl of Salisbury – a Pavan for flute or melody instrument.

Capirola, V.
Padoana Veneziana – (from an old radio recording!). Arranged from the lute solo for two guitars.

Couperin, F.
Le Réveille-Matin (The Alarm Clock). Arranged for guitar duet from the harpsichord original (in F).
Les Papillons (The Butterflies). Arranged for guitar duet from the harpsichord original.
Les Petits Moulins (The Little Windmills). Arranged for guitar duet from the harpsichord original.
Les Bergeries – (The Sheep-folds or Pastorale). Arranged for two guitars from the harpsichord original.
Les Moissoneurs (The Reapers ). Arranged for guitar duet from the harpsichord original.
Le Dodo, ou l’amour au Berceau. Arranged for guitar duet from the harpsichord original
Les Barricades Mystérieuses. Arranged for two guitars from the harpsichord original

Dowland, J.
A Lesson for Two Lutes
The Frog Galliard

Fauré, G.
Romance Sans Paroles Opus 17 No. 3

Forrest, A.
The Gaelic Collection. A Suite of Irish tunes for guitar duo.
Five Simple Pieces. Five simple but effective duets for beginner guitarists.
Dmitri and the Heavy Fridge.

Graded Sight Reading Duets

Satie, E.
Gnossienne No. 1
Gnossienne No. 3
Gymnopédie No. 1
Le Piccadilly

Scarlatti, D.
Sonata L.428 originally for harpsichord.

Shostakovich, D.
Sem’ Tants Kukol
Three Preludes Opus 87 originally from a set of 24 preludes and fugues for piano.

Soler A.
Sonata No.33 from the keyboard sonata.

Sor, F.

Bradford Werner
Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner is a classical guitarist and music publisher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He originally created this site for his students at the Victoria Conservatory of Music but now shares content worldwide. Curating guitar content helps students absorb the culture, musical ideas, and technique of the classical guitar. Bradford also has a YouTube channel with over 97,000 subscribers and 14 million views. He taught classical guitar at the Victoria Conservatory of Music for 16 years and freelanced in Greater Victoria for 20 years and now dedicates much of his time curating content online and helping connect the classical guitar community. See more at his personal website.

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