The Guitar Society of Toronto is working with the Canadian Music Centre to create new compositions for solo classical guitar. They are accepting proposals for the third edition of the guitar composition workshop. This year’s workshop includes collaborations with guitarists and organizations in Vancouver and Montreal. The workshop is open to any Canadian composer, although the priority is to involve composers with limited experience writing for guitar. Interested composers can submit a proposal for consideration by May 22, 2016.
The successful candidates will participate in a series of workshops via live stream with guitarists and composers in all three cities and the completed pieces will be premiered by Rob MacDonald (Toronto), Steve Cowan (Montreal), and Adrian Verdejo (Vancouver) in salon-style concerts in late 2016. Class Axe is produced with help from the Canadian Music Centre and the Toronto Guitar Society
As well as collaborating with guitarists, all Class Axe composers will get a short lesson with mentor composer Linda C. Smith (Toronto).
Please follow this link for full program information including eligibility, general schedule, workshop overview and proposal requirements.
INFO: Class Axe 2016: Call for Proposals | Canadian Music Centre | Centre de Musique Canadienne