Music Theory

Introduction to Rhythm Part 1

Introduction to Rhythm via Brad Harrison on his fantastic YouTube channel. If you are beginner or late-beginner student watch this video to get an introduction to rhythm in music. There is a lot of information all at once so don’t…

Lesson on Cadences, Chords, and Phrasing

Graham Fitch gives a lesson on cadences, chords and harmony. This comes via Pianist Magazine on their YouTube channel. He gives a brief explanation of leading tones, the gravity of cadences, triads within a harmonized scale, chord progressions, and phrasing in general. This is…

Introduction to Reading Music Notation for Beginner Guitar

Introduction to Reading Music Notation on Guitar

This is an introduction to reading music notation on the guitar for absolute beginners. This lesson is for students starting my free PDF Classical Guitar Method Book Volume 1. Before you proceed, watch the below video by TedEd. You don’t…

Celebrate Music Theory

Theory Books for Classical Guitar

Studying music theory – Classical music theory and musicianship is a long-term study that can take years but it’s well worth the effort. Most music schools and conservatories have music theory classes which are an affordable and comprehensive way to…