Interest Articles

The Myth of Bach’s Lute Suites by Clive Titmuss

This is a guest post by Clive Titmuss  Previously published on Classical Guitar Canada. Visit his website to see more of his work and recordings ( All images provided by Clive Titmuss. Click on the images to enlarge. Part I As student…

Luthier Q&A: Interview with Marcus Dominelli

A big thank you to Marcus Dominelli for this great interview. Marcus is always willing to sit down and have a talk with me over some coffee and answer my many guitar questions. He’s a friendly guy and always very interested…

Bracing Styles for Classical Guitars

This is a guest post by luthier Marcus Dominelli, Victoria, BC, Canada. I’d like to discuss the basics of bracing used in classical guitar making. This article is intended for those who know little about how classical guitars are made;…

Elevated Fingerboards on Classical Guitars

Elevated Fingerboard (or raised fingerboard) is actually a bit of misleading name as it’s the top of the guitar that slopes down. Nevertheless, I will never go back to playing guitars without a raised (elevated) fingerboard. They are simply easier…

Sound Portals (soundports) for Classical Guitar

My experience with soundports: Sound portals are a bit strange at first because you’ll hear a whole new range of overtones, not to mention a volume increase while you play. However, I find it a bit odd because who ever…