Luthiery & Design

Classical guitar luthiery and design articles. Includes posts and videos about luthiers and guitar construction for classical guitar.

Wooden Soul: Austrian luthier Tobias Braun

Filmmaker Carlo Hofmann via his Vimeo channel looks at the work of the Austrian guitar maker Tobias Braun. I like how Braun talks about what it feels like to be in his shop. It’s like stepping into the past! Also, how the…

Segovia and his Guitars: Verdery via Metropolitan Museum of Art

Benjamin Verdery  talks to curators (J. Kenneth Moore and Jayson Kerr Dobney) of the Musical Instruments Collections at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  via 92nd Street Y‘s YouTube channel. In 1987 Andrés Segovia presented two guitars to the Metropolitan Museum of Art for its…

Interview with Jorg Graf of Graf Tuners

“An interview from June 2013 with Jorg Graf in Burnstown Ontario.” The folk over at Classical Guitar Training have a nice interview with Jorg Graf of Graf tuners. You can check out more videos by these guys at their YouTube…

Luthier Books for Guitar

After last week’s theme of “Instruments & Design” I’ve had a few people contact me regarding resources so I thought I’d just make a post. However, I don’t know too much about the topic or books myself but I did ask and…

Elevated Fingerboards on Classical Guitars

Elevated Fingerboard (or raised fingerboard) is actually a bit of misleading name as it’s the top of the guitar that slopes down. Nevertheless, I will never go back to playing guitars without a raised (elevated) fingerboard. They are simply easier…

Sound Portals (soundports) for Classical Guitar

My experience with soundports: Sound portals are a bit strange at first because you’ll hear a whole new range of overtones, not to mention a volume increase while you play. However, I find it a bit odd because who ever…

Cedar vs Spruce Tops: tonewoods for classical guitar

Also see this page: Classical Guitars for Sale and Recommend Factory Guitars Since I’m a player and not a luthier I will fill out this article with quotes from reputable luthiers and guitarists. Sometimes these quotes can be out of…

Joachim Tielke Guitar ca. 1695–99

Guitar, ca. 1695–99Joachim Tielke (German, 1641–1719)Wood, ivory, ebony The Baroque guitar is similar in shape and body to earlier guitars, but is typified by five double courses of strings (which appeared as early as the late fifteenth century). From about…

Peter Oberg glues and clamps a top

Oberg glues a top onto the body of the guitar. I’d be way to frightened to attempt this. That is pretty much all I can say. Interest video. Luthier, guitarist, and composer Peter Oberg demonstrates his method for gluing and…

Timeline Photos of a Peter Oberg Guitar

I love watching these timelines of luthier work. It always amazes me the amount of time and fancy contraptions needed for building classical guitars. A construction timeline slideshow of luthier Peter Oberg building a Madagascar Rosewood and Bearclaw Cedar classical…