
Guitar as Choir by Frank Wallace

This is a guest post by composer & guitarist Frank Wallace. In my article Loud, or Robust?, I mentioned performing Narváez in a 12th century church. It was magical. It was transformative. I heard every voice of a four-part texture as…

Macyn Taylor plays Merrily Kissed the Quaker

Not classical but charming playing in this little period concert series. Macyn Taylor plays Merrily Kissed the Quaker arranged by Pierre Bensusan. Via Bruce Petros on his YouTube, also see Petros Guitars, here’s the quote: “This is the third piece…

Michael Kolk Plays Lágrima by Tárrega

Canadian guitarist Michael Kolk plays Lágrima by Spanish composer Francisco Tárrega (1852-1909). Kolk is a fantastic player and has played a huge range of solo repertoire and also duo rep with the the Henderson-Kolk Duo. For his latest album he…

Henderson-Kolk Duo Play Tedesco

The Canadian Henderson-Kolk Duo (Drew Henderson & Michael Kolk) play Prelude no. 3 in a minor by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (1895–1968). This comes via Drew Henderson’s YouTube Channel. This prelude is from “Les Guitares bien tempérées” Op. 199 (24 preludes and fugues…

Matthew McAllister plays La Catedral

Scottish classical guitarist Matthew McAllister plays La Catedral by Paraguayan guitarist and composer Agustín Barrios Mangoré (1885–1944). This hugely popular work is played beautifully by McAllister who is one of the most musical players out there. Super nice guy and…

Michael Partington & Valerie Muzzolini Gordon Play Hovhaness

Seattle based guitarist Michael Partington and harpist Valerie Muzzolini Gordon play Spirit of Trees, Op. 374 by Alan Hovhaness , Brechemin Auditorium, Seattle, January 12, 2014. If you don’t already know Hovhaness here’s some info via wiki: Alan Hovhaness (1911–2000) was an American composer. He…

Mrs. Winters Jump by Dowland (Free PDF)

Mrs Winter’s Jump by John Dowland (1563-1626) – PDF sheet music and video for classical guitar. Free sheet music edition or premium tab. Early-Intermediate (Grade 4). Free Notation Edition (+ French Tablature) Mrs Winter’s Jump by John Dowland (Free PDF) TAB…

The Myth of Bach’s Lute Suites by Clive Titmuss

This is a guest post by Clive Titmuss  Previously published on Classical Guitar Canada. Visit his website to see more of his work and recordings (earlymusicstudio.com). All images provided by Clive Titmuss. Click on the images to enlarge. Part I As student…

Xuefei Yang Plays Spring Breeze

Happy Year of the Goat! Here is Chinese guitarist Xuefei Yang in a live performance at the 2014 Chinese Festival at London’s Victoria and Albert Museum. Via her Youtube: “The piece is from Taiwan, and is called Spring Breeze. This…

Derek Gripper Plays Ali Farka Touré

South African guitarist Derek Gripper plays some music by Ali Farka Touré. This is from Casimi Guitars via their YouTube: “Derek Gripper test driving a Casimi Flamenco Blanca in the Casimi Guitar workshop”. Gripper put out a fantastic album in 2012 called One…

Luthier Q&A: Interview with Marcus Dominelli

A big thank you to Marcus Dominelli for this great interview. Marcus is always willing to sit down and have a talk with me over some coffee and answer my many guitar questions. He’s a friendly guy and always very interested…

Bracing Styles for Classical Guitars

This is a guest post by luthier Marcus Dominelli, Victoria, BC, Canada. I’d like to discuss the basics of bracing used in classical guitar making. This article is intended for those who know little about how classical guitars are made;…