Early Music

Early music with classical guitar, lute, theorbo, vihuela and Baroque guitar. Music of the Renaissance and Baroque eras for classical guitar.

Sanel Redžić plays Prelude, Fugue, & Allegro BWV 998 by Bach

Sanel Redžić plays Prelude, Fugue & Allegro BWV 998 by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). This comes via Redžić’s amazing YouTube channel. Guitar by Otto Vowinkel 2004 and recorded in Schottenkirche, Erfurt, Germany. Another great video by Redžić with a musical and well-paced performance here.…

Schneiderman-Yamaya Duo Play Weiss

Schneiderman-Yamaya Duo (John Schneiderman, Hideki Yamaya) play Ciacona in G Minor by Silvius Leopold Weiss (1687–1750). This comes via Schneiderman’s Youtube channel. Instruments: Schneiderman on baroque lute and Yamaya on mandolino. Originally for lute & flute. The flute part was reconstructed…

Emmanuel Sowicz plays Bourrée & Double, BWV1002 by Bach

Emmanuel Sowicz plays Bourrée & Double, BWV 1002 by J.S. Bach (1685-1750) on a 2013 Matthias Damman guitar. This comes via his YouTube channel and recorded in 2018 at the Royal Academy of Music, London. Sowicz is the recent 1st…

European Lute Orchestra

European Lute Orchestra via Jean-Marie Poirier on Youtube playing Ballet, Gavotte, Pavane de Spaigne, Volta by Praetorius, 1612. How much time does it take this group to tune?! YouTube Info:1ère suite du concert donné en l’église Saint-Vénérand de Laval (53)…

Duet: Sobre el canto llano del Conde Claros by Valderrábano

Sobre el canto llano del Conde Claros by Enríquez de Valderrábano (c. 1500-1557) – From Libro de música de vihuela intitulado Silva de Sirenas (1547). This period vihuela duet is arranged for 2 guitars in score format (three pages). It…

Duet: Canone & Spagna a due liuti by Francesco da Milano

Canone & Spagna a due liuti by Francesco da Milano (c. 1497–1543) – From the Cavalcanti lute book (1590). Period lute duets arranged for 2 guitars in score format (two pages for each piece). The score includes notation only and is…

Stephanie Jones Plays Presto BWV1001 by Bach

Australian guitarist Stephanie Jones plays the last movement of the BWV 1001 violin sonata by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) This comes via her great YouTube Channel. Fantastic playing as usual from this exciting young artist studying in Germany. 19th Century J.A Stauffer copy by…

Ricercare (Fantasia) 16 by Francesco da Milano (Free PDF)

Ricercare (Fantasia) 16 by Francesco Canova da Milano (1497–1543) – Ness No.16. Arranged for classical guitar with both a notation-only edition and tab edition. Francesco Canova da Milano (1497–1543) was an Italian lutenist and composer. He was praised throughout Europe…

Thu Le & Lorenzo Bernardi Play Vivaldi

Thu Le & Lorenzo Bernardi play Preludio e Corrente from Sonata Op. 1 N.8 by Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741). This comes via Bernardi’s Youtube channel. Great to see these two excellent soloists together in a duo. You can see my previous posts of their solo…

Piotr Pakhomkin plays Sonata K. 177 by Scarlatti

Piotr Pakhomkin plays the Sonata in D Major K. 177 by Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757). This comes via his YouTube Channel and the video by Drew Henderson. Guitar by luthier Ross Gutmeier – 2010 Cedar double-top. I’ve always loved this Sonata for it’s combination of…