Classical Guitar Canada

Classical Guitar in Canada featuring Canadian classical guitarists, composers, videos, and more. This is Classical Guitar is based in Victoria, BC, Canada and proud to support Canadian content.

Emma Rush Plays The tall grass bends to listen by Kruisbrink

Canadian guitarist Emma Rush performs The tall grass bends to listen by Annette Kruisbrink (b.1958). This comes via Rush’s YouTube channel. Kruisbrink is Dutch composer and guitarists with over 450 works which you can explore here. As Rush mentions, “The composition and video are in memory of…

Simon Farintosh Plays Joyful Departure by Towner

Canadian guitarist Simon Farintosh performs Joyful Departure by Ralph Towner (b.1940) on an 8-string guitar by Jeff Sigurdson. This comes via Simon’s YouTube channel with recording by Drew Henderson. Great performance by Farintosh with lots of great rhythmic moments and handling of the playful texture. I…

Cicchillitti Plays Ombres et lumières by Roux

Canadian guitarist Adam Cicchillitti performs Ombres et lumières by Canadian composer and guitarist Patrick Roux (b.1962). This comes via Cicchillitti’s YouTube channel and recorded by Drew Henderson. You can find the sheet music for the duo or solo version at Les Productions d’Oz. Great performance by Cicchillitti with…

McGregor-Verdejo Duo Play Missing You by Sharman

McGregor-Verdejo Duo with Mark McGregor (alto flute) and Adrian Verdejo (classical guitar) perform Missing You by Rodney Sharman. This comes via Redshift Music Society and their Youtube channel. This is also from a new online concert series, Duets, featuring video…

Nicole Payie Plays Yradier and Martín

Canadian classical guitarist Nicole Payie performs Mirándote by Eduardo Martín (b.1953) and La Paloma (The Dove) by Sebastián Iradier (1809-1865). This comes via Payie’s new YouTube channel (go subscribe now). Nicole is a good friend and colleague of mine and…

Baroque Guitar Works on a Saers Guitar A90

Baroque guitar works performed on a Saers Guitar A90. Here I’m performing two Baroque guitar works to get a bit more out of the Saer guitar that I recently reviewed. The first work is a beautiful little Aria by Italian…

Drew Henderson Plays Etude No.1 and No.6 by Regondi

Canadian guitarist Drew Henderson performs Etude No.1 and No.6 by Giulio Regondi (1822–1872) on a 7-string Romantic style guitar by Mark Usherovich. This comes via Henderson’s fantastic YouTube channel. Beautiful performance by Henderson with elegant phrasing, pacing, and mature approach. He has an excellent write-up…

Cicchillitti and Deutsch Play Armstrong

Cicchillitti and Deutsch Play Armstrong

Canadian guitarist Adam Cicchillitti and flautist Lara Deutsch perform Vistas by Canadian composer John Gordon Armstrong. The movements and times are Horizon (0:00); Dance of the Shadows (5:18); Sunset (8:24). This comes via Cicchillitti’s YouTube channel and their new album titled Wanderlust available via Leaf Music. Great performance and…

Steve Cowan Plays Balance by Tim Brady

Canadian guitarist Steve Cowan performs Balance by Canadian composer and guitarist Tim Brady at the Grand Guitar Salon in Montreal, Québec, Canada. Performed on a guitar built in collaboration with Philip Woodfield’s son Oliver Moore, more info here. This comes via the salon’s YouTube…

Drew Henderson Plays Sonata in G minor, BWV 1001 by Bach

Canadian guitarist Drew Henderson performs Sonata in G minor, BWV 1001 by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), originally for unaccompanied violin. This comes via Henderson’s YouTube channel and performed at The Church of St Mary Magdalene, Toronto. Wonderful performance by Henderson with excellent pacing and some very crisp…

Tim Beattie Plays Habanera by Marius Flothuis

Canadian guitarist Tim Beattie performs Habanera from Twee stukken voor gitaar, Op.22 (1944) by Dutch composer Marius Flothuis (1914-2001) at the Royal Conservatory, Koerner Hall in Toronto, Canada. This comes via Beattie’s YouTube channel and Riddle Films. Flothuis is a major composer and, to my…

Tariq Harb Plays Cello Suite No.1 by Britten

Tariq Harb performs movements I. Canto Primo and V. Serenata from Cello Suite No.1, Op.72 by Benjamin Britten (1913–1976), arranged for classical guitar by Harb. This comes via Harb’s fantastic YouTube channel. You can buy his sheet music for this work here. I love Britten…