Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner is a classical guitarist and music publisher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He originally created this site for his students at the Victoria Conservatory of Music but now shares content worldwide. Curating guitar content helps students absorb the culture, musical ideas, and technique of the classical guitar. Bradford also has a YouTube channel with over 94,000 subscribers and 13 million views. He taught classical guitar at the Victoria Conservatory of Music for 16 years and freelanced in Greater Victoria for 20 years and now dedicates much of his time curating content online and helping connect the classical guitar community. See more at his personal website.

Scale Lesson & Exercise: Rhythmic Vitality

Scale Lesson and Exercise (Part 2 of 3): Rhythmic Vitality for Classical Guitar – This is Exercise No. 12 from my pdf book 20 Favorite Exercises for Classical Guitar for beginner to intermediate classical guitarists. Includes: notation, TAB, fingerings, practice tips,…

Ioannis Theodoridis Plays Variations on a Theme of Sor by Llobet

Ioannis Theodoridis plays Variations on a Theme of Sor Op.15 by Miguel Llobet (1878–1938). This comes via Open Strings Berlin and their amazing Youtube Channel. Great performance filled with everything from sensitive and sweet phrasing to contrasts of extroverted intensity. I like his very…

Nona Onda, Serenade for Cello, Guitar & Orchestra by Giacomo Susani

Giacomo Susani (guitar), Nora Braun (cello), and Constantin Riccardi (conductor) perform Nona Onda, a Serenade for Cello, Guitar and Orchestra written by Susani. This comes via his YouTube Channel. Susani is an Italian classical guitarist based in London. Beautiful and lush work…

Patrik Kleemola Plays Tarrega

Patrik Kleemola plays Two Preludes by Tárrega

Finnish classical guitarist Patrik Kleemola plays Preludio No.1 in D Minor and Preludio No.11 in D Major by Francisco Tárrega (1852–1909). This comes via his great Youtube channel. I’ve followed Kleemola for a few years on Youtube where he’s done…

Scale Lesson and Exercise: Destination Points

Scale Lesson and Exercise (Part 1 of 3): Destination Points for Classical Guitar – This is Exercise No. 11 from my pdf book 20 Favorite Exercises for Classical Guitar for beginner to intermediate classical guitarists. Includes: notation, TAB, fingerings, practice tips,…

McGregor-Verdejo Duo Play Verdigris by Jocelyn Morlock

The McGregor-Verdejo Duo with Mark Takeshi McGregor (flute) and Adrian Verdejo (guitar) perform Jocelyn Morlock‘s work for alto flute and guitar, Verdigris. This comes via McGregor’s YouTube channel. Verdejo is one of Canada’s most active guitarists in new music with…

Azuline Duo - Fandango

New Release: Fandango by Azuline Duo

Fandango by Azuline DuoEmma Rush, guitarSara Traficante, flute Listen or Buy via Azuline Duo, Spotify, Amazon, iTunes, and more. Great to hear the new album, Fandango by the Azuline Duo featuring a variety of works for guitar and flute. The album…

36 Guitarists Play 36 Caprices Op. 20 by Legnani

What a fantastic project! Some of the world’s greatest professional guitarists team up to give us all 36 Caprices op. 20 by Luigi Legnani (1790–1877). It been a tough few months worldwide bit it’s also becoming a golden age of…

Ana Vidovic Plays Capricho Árabe by Tárrega

Ana Vidovic plays Capricho Árabe, Serenata para Guitarra, Al eminente maestra Tomas Breton by Francisco Tárrega (1852–1909). This comes via Siccas Guitars and their great YouTube channel. Nice performance by Vidovic with good shaping and phrasing even through the more difficult passages.…

Lesson: Fixed Finger Position Exercise for the Left Hand

Lesson – Fixed Finger Position Exercise for the Left Hand for Classical Guitar – This is exercise No. 10 from my pdf book 20 Favorite Exercises for Classical Guitar for beginner to intermediate classical guitarists. Includes: notation, TAB, fingerings, practice tips,…

Thu Le and Family

Thu Le and Daughters Play Trios and Duos

The amazing Vietnamese guitarist Thu Le plays ensemble music with her daughters. These come from her great YouTube channel. Thu Le is a top notch player and it’s great to see her family is also so musical too. If you’re…

Key Signatures

Introduction to Scales and Key Signatures

Before beginning my Volume 2 Method Book let’s review some ideas that we’ll be working on. You may not understand or remember everything below. You can go ahead and just work on my book without worrying about this but by…