Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner is a classical guitarist and music publisher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He originally created this site for his students at the Victoria Conservatory of Music but now shares content worldwide. Curating guitar content helps students absorb the culture, musical ideas, and technique of the classical guitar. Bradford also has a YouTube channel with over 94,000 subscribers and 13 million views. He taught classical guitar at the Victoria Conservatory of Music for 16 years and freelanced in Greater Victoria for 20 years and now dedicates much of his time curating content online and helping connect the classical guitar community. See more at his personal website.
Pacific MusicWorks

Pacific MusicWorks: Baptista, Plà, Zipoli

Stephen Stubbs (baroque guitar/director) along with Tekla Cunningham (baroque violin), Christine Beckman (baroque violin), Caroline Nicolas (baroque cello), Maxine Eilander (baroque harp), Henry Lebedinsky (organ/harpsichord), Antonio Gomez (percussion), play an excerpt from their virtual release on Dec 12th, 2020 from Allegro…

Lesson: Rolled Chords on Classical Guitar

A lesson on how to play rolled chords on classical guitar and how they affect expression, phrasing, and more in our music. The example piece is Andante (from Schule für die Guitarre) by Johann Kaspar Mertz (1806-1856) from my Easy…

Dominika Dawidowska Plays Scarlatti K.11

Polish guitarist Dominika Dawidowska plays Sonata K.11, L.352 by Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757), originally written for keyboard. This comes via Matthew McAllister’s YouTube but you can also follow Dawidowska’s Youtube. Dominika Dawidowska studies with Matthew McAllister at the Royal Conservatoire of…

Rondeau, Pastorel, Passepied, Giga by David Kellner

Rondeau, Pastorel, Passepied, Giga by David Kellner (1670-1748) PDF sheet music arranged for classical guitar (originally for lute). Comes with both a notation edition with left hand fingering and a separate tab edition. These pieces are approximately late-intermediate to advanced level…

The Rising of the Moon & Lesson

The Rising of the Moon (Irish Folk Song) arranged for classical guitar. This piece is from my Easy Folk Songs Volume 1 – For Solo Fingerstyle or Classical Guitar. 25 folk songs from around the world. PDF or Hardcopy available. Each song…

Favourite Guitar Supports for Classical Guitar

Above is my review of Le Support (My Review) – I’m mainly playing on this support now due to its secure feeling. I also sometimes use my ErgoPlay “Tröster” for teaching or at home and still recommend it to most students starting out. Before…

Lesson: E Chromatic Scale in Octaves

E Chromatic Scale in Octaves – Practice in both solid form and broken. Use any logical right hand fingering such as p-i the entire time or alternating p-i-p-m. There are an endless number of exercises for finger independence and stretching…

MX Guitar Duo Play Mertz

Oman Kaminsky & Robbin Blanco play Am grabe der Geliebten by Johann Kaspar Mertz (1806-1856). This comes via Kaminsky’s YouTube channel. I’ve always loved these duets for guitar and terz guitar (a terz can be imitated by placing a capo at 3rd position).…

Allemande, BWV 996 by Bach (Lesson, PDF)

Performance, Lesson, Sheet Music: Allemande from Suite in E Minor, BWV 996 by Bach Sheet Music, Tab, or Free Unfingered Edition Here’s the second lesson for my edition of the Suite in E Minor, BWV 996. In this video I…

Tengyue TY Zhang

Tengyue “TY” Zhang Plays A Fancy by Dowland

Tengyue ‘TY’ Zhang plays A Fancy (Poulton No. 73) by John Dowland (1563-1626) on a 2005 Kenneth Brögger guitar. This comes via Guitar Salon International and their YouTube channel. Great playing as usual from this exciting young artist. Nice imitation among the voices with good separation…

Lesson: Slurs in Groups of Six and Rhythmic Accents

Closed Slurs in Groups of Six and Rhythmic Accents. Slurs (hammer-ons, pull-offs, in sextuplets) from page 89 in my technique book. Try to emphasize rhythmic groups of three in your accent pattern and follow the usual left hand technique advice…

Andrea De Vitis Plays Into the Rose-Garden by Gilardino

Andrea De Vitis plays Into the rose-garden (in memory of Julian Bream) by Angelo Gilardino (B. 1941). This comes via his great YouTube channel. The passing of Bream has brought back so many memories of the excellent work and music…