Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner is a classical guitarist and music publisher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He originally created this site for his students at the Victoria Conservatory of Music but now shares content worldwide. Curating guitar content helps students absorb the culture, musical ideas, and technique of the classical guitar. Bradford also has a YouTube channel with over 94,000 subscribers and 13 million views. He taught classical guitar at the Victoria Conservatory of Music for 16 years and freelanced in Greater Victoria for 20 years and now dedicates much of his time curating content online and helping connect the classical guitar community. See more at his personal website.

Andantino, No.27, Op.50 by Mauro Giuliani

Andantino in A Major, No.27, Op.50 by Mauro Giuliani (1781-1829) – Lesson, Performance, and Sheet Music. This is from my PDF or hardcopy sheet music edition for classical guitar: Le Papillon, No. 1-32, Op.50 by Mauro Giuliani. Grades 1-7 and includes both a notation-only edition…

Cicchillitti and Cowan Play Après éxode by Roux

Cicchillitti & Cowan Play Après l’éxode by Roux

Canadian guitarists Adam Cicchillitti and Steve Cowan perform the double concerto Après l’éxode by Patrick Roux (b.1962) with conductor Kevin Mallon of Thirteen Strings. This comes via Cicchillitti’s YouTube channel. Excellent performance and concerto, here’s their info on the work via Youtube: This is a work that…

All-Women Virtual Guitar Orchestra Play Dusty Grooves by Assad

The Virtual Guitar Orchestra project with an all-women orchestra perform Dusty Grooves by Clarice Assad (b.1978). The All-Women Virtual Guitar Orchestra is a special project that will feature all women guitarists, playing pieces by woman composers. This comes via the Virtual…

Easy Celtic Guitar Volume 2 (PDF Sheet Music)

Easy Celtic Guitar Volume 2

Easy Celtic Guitar Volume 2 – PDF sheet music for easy-intermediate classical guitar. Six Arrangements of Celtic Melodies (Scottish, Irish, and English Songs). Comes with both a notation edition with left hand fingering and a separate tab edition. The level is easy-intermediate (Grades…

Allegro, No.26, Op.50 by Mauro Giuliani

Allegro in D Major, No.26, Op.50 by Mauro Giuliani (1781-1829) – Lesson, Performance, and Sheet Music. This is from my PDF or hardcopy sheet music edition for classical guitar: Le Papillon, No. 1-32, Op.50 by Mauro Giuliani. Grades 1-7 and includes both a notation-only edition…

Chinese Folk Songs for Classical Guitar

Easy Chinese Folk Songs for Guitar Volume 1 – PDF sheet music for classical guitar. Six Arrangements of Chinese Folk Song Melodies. Comes with both a notation edition with left hand fingering and a separate tab edition. The level is easy-intermediate…

David Jacques Plays Air Italiano and Doubles on Baroque Guitar

Canadian guitarist David Jacques plays an anonymous Air Italiano & Doubles (Anon. Ms Hertzberg Mus.Ms a 5038, National Library, Norway) on a Didier Nicolas Aîné, c.1780 original baroque guitar. Charming little works and performance with some excellent flowing articulations and pacing. See his…

Liying Zhu Plays Danza Colombiana by Langer

The amazing Liying Zhu performs Danza Colombiana from Suite Latina by Michael Langer on a 2022 Dietmar Heubner classical guitar. This comes via Guitar Salon International and their YouTube channel. Every time I hear Liying Zhu play I’m blown away by her virtuosity and overall musicality. Her playing is so fluid,…

Cicchillitti & Cowan Play The Turing Test by Alex Burtzos

Canadian guitarists Adam Cicchillitti and Steve Cowan perform The Turing Test (2019) by Alex Burtzos (b.1985) for two amplified guitars, fixed media electronics and GuitarAMI. Premiered at the 21st Century Guitar conference. GuitarAMI: 21st Century Augmented Guitars: A project proposed by Edu Meneses, Researcher…

The Great Necks – Impressions of Spain

The Great Necks guitar trio with Adam Levin, Scott Borg, and Matthew Rohde perform Aragonesa and Cubana from Cuatro Pièzas Españolas by Manuel De Falla (1876-1946), arranged by Gregg Nestor. This comes via their YouTube channel. I’ve featured Adam Levin…

Andantino Grazioso, No.25, Op.50 by Giuliani

Andantino Grazioso, No.25, Op.50 by Giuliani

Andantino Grazioso in D Major, No.25, Op.50 by Mauro Giuliani (1781-1829) – Lesson, Performance, and Sheet Music. This is from my PDF or hardcopy sheet music edition for classical guitar: Le Papillon, No. 1-32, Op.50 by Mauro Giuliani. Grades 1-7 and includes both a notation-only…

Allegro, No.24, Op.50 by Mauro Giuliani

Allegro in A Major, No.24, Op.50 by Mauro Giuliani (1781-1829) – Lesson, Performance, and Sheet Music. This is from my PDF or hardcopy sheet music edition for classical guitar: Le Papillon, No. 1-32, Op.50 by Mauro Giuliani. Grades 1-7 and includes both a notation-only edition…