Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner is a classical guitarist and music publisher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He originally created this site for his students at the Victoria Conservatory of Music but now shares content worldwide. Curating guitar content helps students absorb the culture, musical ideas, and technique of the classical guitar. Bradford also has a YouTube channel with over 94,000 subscribers and 13 million views. He taught classical guitar at the Victoria Conservatory of Music for 16 years and freelanced in Greater Victoria for 20 years and now dedicates much of his time curating content online and helping connect the classical guitar community. See more at his personal website.

Q&A Lesson: Practicing Scales

Q&A Lesson: Practicing Scales on Classical Guitar. Thanks to all my patrons and supporters who submitted questions. If you like these lessons please consider supporting the site. If you are looking for organized scales and exercises you might check out my full technique book with…

Goran Krivokapić Plays Prelude, Fugue, and Allegro, BWV 998 by Bach

Above: Goran Krivokapić performs the Allegro from Prelude, Fugue, and Allegro, BWV 998 by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). This comes via Siccas Guitars and their great YouTube channel. Excellent rhythmic and articulated style here along with controlled motivic attention in the Allegro. But also see…

Sonata No.9 by Giovanni Zamboni

Sonata No.9 by Giovanni Zamboni

Sonata No.9 a by Giovanni Zamboni (c.1650-1721). From Sonate d’intavolatura di liuto Op.1. PDF Sheet Music arranged for classical guitar. Originally for archlute. Movements: Preludio, Alemanda, Giga, Sarabanda, Gavotte. Comes with both a notation-only edition and a tab edition. Left hand fingering. The level is early-advanced depending on…

ARTIS Guitar Duo Play Ständchen by Mertz

ARTIS GuitarDuo with Julia and Christian Zielinski perform Ständchen by Johann Kaspar Mertz (1806-1856). Recorded in Schloss Biebrich in Wiesbaden with guitars by Gernot Wagner. This comes via their great YouTube channel. Beautiful playing, setting, and video quality. Originally for guitar and…

Tim Beattie Plays Nocturne, Reverie Op. 19 by Regondi

Canadian guitarist Tim Beattie performs Nocturne “Reverie” Op. 19 by Giulio Regondi (1823–1872) at Hailes Castle, Scotland. This comes via his YouTube where you can see more info and credits. As he mentioned to me, “We filmed this in Hailes Castle ruin (east…

Study on E and Variation by Mertz (Free PDF)

Study on E and Variation by Mertz

Study on E and Variation by Johann Kaspar Mertz (1806-1856) for classical guitar. Original title, Ubungen auf der E saite (Exercise on the E String) from Schule fur die Guitare. Free PDF Sheet music for classical guitar. Late-Beginner level, for…

Lesson on Giuliani Arpeggios No.16-17

A lesson on Giuliani Arpeggios No.16-17 for classical guitar from 120 Arpeggio Exercises for the Right Hand, Op.1 by Mauro Giuliani (1781-1829). My lesson covers some technique tips, muting of the bass during rests, and the difficulty of using a two…

Emmanuel Sowicz Plays Gavotte I & II, BWV 1012 by Bach

Emmanuel Sowicz plays Gavotte I & II from Cello Suite No.6, BWV 1012 by J.S. Bach (1685-1750) on a 2019 Carsten Kobs guitar. This comes via his YouTube channel. Wonderfully clean and graceful performance by Sowicz with particularly crisp and well placed ornamentation.   Out…

Anika Hutschreuther Concert

Anika Hutschreuther classical guitar concert with works by Barrios, Bach, Machado, and Ponce. This comes via Siccas Guitars and their YouTube channel  but you can also follow her YouTube channel as well. Amazing performance by Hutschreuther with a clean and direct but well paced and…

Thomas Viloteau Plays Due Canzoni Lidie by Nuccio D’Angelo

Thomas Viloteau performs Due Canzoni Lidie by Italian guitarist and composer Nuccio D’Angelo (b.1955). This comes via Viloteau’s fantastic YouTube channel. Mesmerizing performance and excellent control over the melodic lines and relentless accompaniment figure. Plus some intense textures near the end. This comes from his newest…

Gaspar Sanz Collection Volume 1

Gaspar Sanz Guitar Collection Volume 1

Gaspar Sanz Collection Volume 1 – PDF Sheet Music for Classical Guitar. From Instrucción de música sobre la Guitarra Española for Baroque guitar. Comes with both a notation edition with left hand fingering and a separate tab edition. This is…

Nikolai Studenikin Plays Fuga, BWV 1003 by Bach

Nikolai Studenikin performs the Fuga from Violin Sonata No.2, BWV 1003 by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) on a 2022 Toby Rzepka classical guitar. This comes via Siccas Guitars and their YouTube channel but you can also visit Studenikin’s YouTube as well. Wonderful playing by Studenikin with a…