Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner is a classical guitarist and music publisher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He originally created this site for his students at the Victoria Conservatory of Music but now shares content worldwide. Curating guitar content helps students absorb the culture, musical ideas, and technique of the classical guitar. Bradford also has a YouTube channel with over 94,000 subscribers and 13 million views. He taught classical guitar at the Victoria Conservatory of Music for 16 years and freelanced in Greater Victoria for 20 years and now dedicates much of his time curating content online and helping connect the classical guitar community. See more at his personal website.
Aria and Capriccio by Francesco Asioli

Aria & Capriccio by Francesco Asioli

Aria and Capriccio by Francesco Asioli (1645-1676). PDF sheet music and video for classical guitar arranged by Bradford Werner. Includes both a notation-only edition and separate tab edition. Left hand fingering. The technique level is intermediate, around a Grade 6 but it’s a mature work in…

Django Swing (Mid-Beginner, Free PDF)

Django Swing – Free PDF sheet music, performance, and lesson video for classical guitar. Mid-Beginner level, for use after my Method Book Volume 1 or during my Volume 2. Free PDF Sheet Music Edition This is part of a collection of…

Lorenzo Micheli Plays Zart Bewegt by Rebay

Lorenzo Micheli performs I. Zart Bewegt from Zehn kleine Lieder ohne Worte by Ferdinand Rebay (1880-1953). This comes via Micheli’s YouTube channel. I don’t know these Ten Little Songs without Words but I’m very curious to get a score. Rebay’s output and quality continues to…

Kyuhee Park Plays Prelude No.2 by Villa-Lobos

Kyuhee Park performs Prelude No.2 by Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887-1959). This comes via her YouTube channel. Park’s playing always surprises me, she can switch from super clean and expressive playing to very extroverted intensity. I love the contrast here between the…

Rosita (Polka) by Francisco Tárrega

Rosita (Polka) by Francisco Tárrega (1852–1909) – PDF sheet music for classical guitar with free video performance and lesson. Comes with both a notation-only edition with left hand fingering and a tab edition. The level depends on your tempo but either late-intermediate or early-advanced (Grade 7-8) due to all the…

Reviving Repertoire (Virtual Workshop)

Reviving Repertoire! Virtual Workshop on finding music by overlooked composers. Azuline Duo with Emma Rush (guitar) and Sara Traficante (flute) are offering a workshop about finding repertoire by historically overlooked composers. In the one-hour zoom session participants will learn how,…

Evangelina Mascardi Plays Ciaccone in E Flat by Weiss

Evangelina Mascardi performs Ciaccone in E Flat Major by German Baroque composer and lutenist Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1686–1750) on a 13 course baroque lute built by Cezar Mateus. Recorded at the church of San Francesco di Orte (Viterbo), Italy. This comes via Edoardo…

Matthew McAllister Plays Sonata No. 80 by Seixas

Matthew McAllister performs Sonata No.80 by the Portuguese composer Carlos Seixas (1704–1742), arranged by Rebeca Oliveira. This comes via his McAllister’s YouTube channel. I’ve previously featured Rebeca’s video of this work if you want to check that out. Great playing and beautiful phrasing by McAllister.…

Q&A Lesson: Correcting Bad Habits

Q&A Lesson: Correcting Bad Habits in Practicing Music and Classical Guitar. Thanks to all my patrons and supporters who submitted questions. If you enjoyed this lesson please consider supporting the site. Here’s the YouTube link if you want to watch the video there. If you are…

Adam Cicchillitti Plays Study No.1 by Phil Parker

Canadian guitarist Adam Cicchillitti performs Study No.1 by Irish composer Phil Parker. This comes via Cicchillitti’s YouTube channel. Nice to hear all the new music on Cicchillitti’s channel and great playing as usual. Here’s what he mentions in his YouTube description: Study 1,” by Phil…

Prelude A Minor, Op.59 by Carcassi (Free PDF)

Prelude in A Minor from Méthode complète pour la guitare, Op.59 by Matteo Carcassi (1792-1853). Free PDF sheet music, performance, and lesson video for classical guitar. Mid-Beginner level, for use after my Method Book Volume 1 or during my Volume 2.…