Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner is a classical guitarist and music publisher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He originally created this site for his students at the Victoria Conservatory of Music but now shares content worldwide. Curating guitar content helps students absorb the culture, musical ideas, and technique of the classical guitar. Bradford also has a YouTube channel with over 94,000 subscribers and 13 million views. He taught classical guitar at the Victoria Conservatory of Music for 16 years and freelanced in Greater Victoria for 20 years and now dedicates much of his time curating content online and helping connect the classical guitar community. See more at his personal website.

Introducing the Baroque Guitar with Sergio Bucheli

Sergio Bucheli takes us through the development of the Baroque guitar, various playing styles, continuo and solo repertoire and its influence on Latin American folk traditions. This comes via Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment’s YouTube channel. Wonderfully informative video and an…

Leçon No.13 by Bosch (Free PDF)

Leçon No.13 by Jacques Bosch (1825 – 1895). From Méthode de guitare (1890). Free PDF sheet music and video lesson for classical guitar. The level is late-beginner, I recommend playing this near the end or after my Volume 2 method book. Free…

Valle&Vitis Duo Play Preludio and Balletto by Ponce

Valle&Vitis Duo with Andrea De Vitis  (guitar) and Simone Vallerotonda (archlute) perform Preludio – Balletto by Manuel Ponce (1882-1948), arranged by Valle&Vitis Duo. This comes via the Omni Foundation online series and their Youtube channel. The Preludio is originally for solo guitar and later…

Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair by Foster

Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair by Stephen C. Foster (1826-1864). PDF sheet music arranged for classical guitar. Comes with both a notation edition with left hand fingering and a separate tab edition. The level is easy-intermediate (Grade 3). My PDF Sheet…

Classical Guitar Position Lesson

Classical Guitar Position Lesson

Classical Guitar Position Lesson: How to Sit, Hold, and Position a Classical Guitar. This lesson includes photos, diagrams, and video lessons with multiple camera angles. It’s a reference and guideline for how to sit and hold a classical guitar but…

Xavier Jara Plays Prelude by Barrios

Classical guitarist Xavier Jara Plays Prelude in A Minor by Agustin Barrios Mangore (1885-1944). This comes via Partita Studio in Seoul, Korea on their YouTube and played on a Viuda de Manuel Ramirez guitar. Beautiful playing by Xavier Jara with some very graceful phrasing…

Leccion No.1 by Cano (Beginner, Free PDF)

Leccion No.1 by Antonio Cano (1811-1897) – Free PDF sheet music, performance, and lesson video for classical guitar. From his Método de Guitarra (1852). Mid-Beginner level, for use at the end of my Method Book Volume 1 or during Volume 2. Free…

Mobley and Acker Perform Purcell

Reginald L. Mobley (countertenor) and Brandon Acker (theorbo) perform Here The Deities Approve from Welcome to all the pleasures, Z.339 by Henry Purcell (c. 1659–1695). This comes via Acker’s great YouTube channel. Mobley is one of my favourite early music vocalists and I’ve been lucky to hear him…

Orchestration on Guitar Lessons by Xuefei Yang

Classical guitarist Xuefei Yang gives two lessons on orchestration on guitar, that is, a mix of imitating other instruments, phrasing, timbre (colouration), and articulation. I like these small subject-oriented lessons from Xuefei Yang’s YouTube channel. The above video is on the…

Cochran & McAllister perform Metamorphosis No.2 by Glass

Matthew Cochran and Matthew McAllister perform Metamorphosis No.2 by Philip Glass (b.1937), originally for piano and arranged for guitars by Cochran and McAllister. This comes via McAllister’s YouTube channel. Recorded in November 2022 at the Cathedral Barn in Traverse City, Michigan, USA. I first heard this work…

Sounds of Time & Distance by Alfredo Santa Ana

Sounds of Time & DistanceAn album of music for guitar, electronics, and fluteBy Alfredo Santa AnaASA Records November, 2022 Listen or Buy via Spotify, Bandcamp, Apple or learn more at Sounds of Time & Distance by Alfredo Santa Ana…

Cochran & McAllister perform Icarus by Ralph Towner

Matthew Cochran and Matthew McAllister perform Icarus by Ralph Towner (b.1940). This comes via McAllister’s YouTube channel. Recorded in November 2022 at the Cathedral Barn in Traverse City, Michigan, USA. Nice to post both Cochran and McAllister in an ensemble after hearing…