Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner is a classical guitarist and music publisher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He originally created this site for his students at the Victoria Conservatory of Music but now shares content worldwide. Curating guitar content helps students absorb the culture, musical ideas, and technique of the classical guitar. Bradford also has a YouTube channel with over 94,000 subscribers and 13 million views. He taught classical guitar at the Victoria Conservatory of Music for 16 years and freelanced in Greater Victoria for 20 years and now dedicates much of his time curating content online and helping connect the classical guitar community. See more at his personal website.

The German Baroque: Bernhard Joachim Hagen

Theme of this week:  The German Baroque. Bernhard Joachim Hagen (1720–1787) wrote some amazing works of beauty that are not often played. One reason for this is the unavailability of this works. To my knowledge there are no readily available editions in modern…

The German Baroque: Adam Falckenhagen

Theme of this week:  The German Baroque (click to see all posts). Adam Falckenhagen  (26 April 1697 – 6 October 1754) was a German lutenist and composer. He travelled around from court to court much of his life but eventually settled in Bayreuth. It has also…

The German Baroque: Sylvius Leopold Weiss

New to the site: Theme of the Week. I’ll be posting articles, links, and videos based on the theme. There will still be other posts such as lessons etc, but the theme will add a narrative to the week. To…

Spotlight: Heike Matthiesen, guitarist

I’m very happy to present this spotlight and interview with guitarist Heike Matthiesen. Heike is very active online and at concerts, festivals, as well as recording. It’s a real pleasure getting to know such a great player and such a kind…

Jason Vieaux plays Ellington’s “In A Sentimental Mood”

The excellent Jason Vieaux lets loose with a rendition of Duke Ellington’s “In A Sentimental Mood.” It’s so nice to see a high level classical guitarist embrace jazz so successfully. So of his playing sounds so natural that if he wasn’t…

Giuliani 120 Arpeggio Studies – No. 1-20, Op. 1 (Free PDF)

Mauro Giuliani’s (1781–1829) 120 Right Hand Arpeggio Studies (exercises) for the right hand – free sheet music in PDF format for classical guitar. This is from Giuliani’s Op. 1 titled Studio per la Chitarra. Giuliani was considered one of the…

Review: Essential Bach Arranged for the Guitar by Lily Afshar

Amazon Link: Essential Bach: Arranged for the Guitar Paperback: 116 pagesPublisher: Mel Bay Publications (December 14, 2012)Level: Intermediate to Advanced. Students could start with the cello works and go from there. Works included: Cello Suite No. 1, BWV 1007 Cello Suite No. 3,…

Sculptures of Guitars by Armand Pierre Fernandez

Some really interesting sculptures made mainly from bronze. ARMAN BIOGRAPHY (1928 – 2005) “I specialize very much in… everything,” the French-born American artist Arman told an interviewer in 1968. “I have never been — how do you say it? A…

FretBuzz Interview: Jason Vieaux

Fret Buzz is a youth division blog via the Austin Classical Guitar Society. Their tagline is “By young guitarists, for young guitarists.” You can see their videos on the ACGS YouTube channel. We had a chance to sit down with…

Spotlight: Agustín Castilla-Ávila, composer

Here’s an interview and some media by composer Agustín Castilla-Ávila. He was interviewed by guitarist and organizer Angelito Agcaoili.  Agustín was kind of enough to submit this article for the site. I’ve enclosed some additional photos and videos as well so you can…

SoloDuo play Piazzolla

I’ve been waiting for a high quality video of the Tango suite for awhile so this was a welcomed find. Lorenzo Micheli & Matteo Mela play in a duo called: SoloDuo.

Bach's Table of Ornamentation

Baroque Ornamentation on Classical Guitar

A lesson on Baroque ornamentation from Scott Morris. As he says, this is a good jumping point and introduction to ornamentation. The video was made via Guitar Salon International. He’s playing the Sarabande from Bach’s unaccompanied flute partita, BWV 1013.…