Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner is a classical guitarist and music publisher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He originally created this site for his students at the Victoria Conservatory of Music but now shares content worldwide. Curating guitar content helps students absorb the culture, musical ideas, and technique of the classical guitar. Bradford also has a YouTube channel with over 94,000 subscribers and 13 million views. He taught classical guitar at the Victoria Conservatory of Music for 16 years and freelanced in Greater Victoria for 20 years and now dedicates much of his time curating content online and helping connect the classical guitar community. See more at his personal website.

Review: Textura by Duo Amaral

Textura by Duo AmaralJorge Amaral & Mia Pomerantz-Amaral Artist Website: Listen to samples or buy via Amazon: Textura by Duo Amaral Repertoire: L’estro Armonico Concerto No.9 RV 230 by Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) Sonata in G Major by Giovanni B. Sammartini (1698-1775)…

Interview with guitarist David Starobin

A big thank you to legendary guitarist David Starobin for doing this interview! I first became familiar with Starobin through his recording of Elliot Carter’s Changes as well as Mario Davidovsky’s Synchronisms No. 10. I then came to know his…

Brasil Guitar Duo plays Suite op.142 by Drozd

An excellent recording of Polish composer Gerard Drozd’s Suite op.142 by the Brasil Guitar Duo. The music is quite earthy and full sounding but well balanced and not muddy. Clocking in at over 17mins this is a significant work.  Love…

Giuliani Op. 1, Part 4, No. 1 (Free PDF & TAB)

Studio Op. 1, Part Four, No. 1, “Maestoso” by Mauro Giuliani (1781-1829). Sheet Music or Tab for Classical Guitar. Level: Grade 3-4, Easy but some surprisingly tricky fingering in a few spots. Free Sheet Music ot TAB: Op. 1, Part Four,…

Wooden Soul: Austrian luthier Tobias Braun

Filmmaker Carlo Hofmann via his Vimeo channel looks at the work of the Austrian guitar maker Tobias Braun. I like how Braun talks about what it feels like to be in his shop. It’s like stepping into the past! Also, how the…

Back Problems on Classical Guitar

Back problems are one of the most common concerns for guitarists aside from hand injuries. Issues range from a sore back due to posture, guitar position, chair height, to footstool use. In this article I will explore back problems in…

Drew Henderson Plays Caprice #29 by Luigi Legnani

Canadian Guitarist Drew Henderson has another great video out. This time a fun little Caprice by Italian composer Luigi Legnani (1790-1877) who was also a guitarist, singer, and, according to wiki, also a luthier. A contemporary of Paganini, Luigi’s works have…

Review: Awake, my Soul, and Sound your Strings by Ólavur Jakobsen

Awake, my Soul, and Sound your Strings by Ólavur JakobsenGuitar Music from the Faroe Islands Artist Website: www.olavurjakobsen.comLabel: Listen to samples or buy the album via Amazon I love receiving unique and interesting albums such as this release by…

Seyoung Park plays Allegro from BWV 998 by Bach

Another great youth guitarist. This is Korean guitarist Seyoung Park who’s been playing since 2009 and, as you can see, has progressed wonderfully. You can also check out more videos of her on her father’s YouTube channel. She does a great…

Adam Holzman plays El Niño by Antonio Lauro

Adam Holzman playing Antonio Lauro’s ‘El Niño’ via GSI on a Dominique Field guitar. Holzman oozes musicality on this short and sweet performance. I’ve never really understood Holzman’s right-hand technique but he pulls everything off nevertheless. For people that have…

Basic Classical Guitar Technique Overview

Basic Classical Guitar Positions & TechniqueAn overview of the photos & diagrams from the siteYouTube Video Link Here is a basic overview of my classical guitar technique visual references all in one video. Hopefully this helps students gain a basic knowledge on how to…