Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner is a classical guitarist and music publisher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He originally created this site for his students at the Victoria Conservatory of Music but now shares content worldwide. Curating guitar content helps students absorb the culture, musical ideas, and technique of the classical guitar. Bradford also has a YouTube channel with over 94,000 subscribers and 13 million views. He taught classical guitar at the Victoria Conservatory of Music for 16 years and freelanced in Greater Victoria for 20 years and now dedicates much of his time curating content online and helping connect the classical guitar community. See more at his personal website.

Antonio Rugolo Plays Estudio de Velocidad by Tarrega

Antonio Rugolo performs Estudio de Velocidad by Francisco Tárrega (1852–1909). This comes via his YouTube channel. Nice playing and phrasing by Rugolo of this etude by Tarrega that really pushes lots of single lines but also a number of other techniques. Rugolo is an Italian guitarist…

Michael Butten Plays Narváez

Michael Butten performs three works by Luys de Narváez (fl. 1526-1549) on classical guitar. This comes via the Omni Foundation for Performing Arts and their great Youtube channel. Great repertoire and performance by Butten, he explains his arrangement of the Glorioso in the Omni description, “I…

Yair Avidor Plays Sarabande and Double by François Dufault

Yair Avidor performs Sarabande and Double by French lutenist François Dufault (c.1604-1672) on an 11-course lute by Paul Thomson. This comes via his great YouTube channel. Dufault was a student of Denis Gaultier (c.1597-1672), but very little is known about his life. There are only a…

Exploring the Fretboard No.21-22: Comparing 1st to 13th Position

Exploring the Fretboard No.21-22: Comparing 1st Position to 13th Position from my book Exploring the Fretboard: 100 Exercises for Intermediate Guitar. PDF sheet music with notation, left hand fingering, and video lessons. This book offers students a set amount of ordered material and a…

Les 100 de Roland Dyens

Les Productions d’OZ with the help of Louis Trépanier have enlisted numerous guitarists to perform and record the complete Les 100 de Roland Dyens on YouTube. The set is 100 intermediate level creative works composed by the late Roland Dyens.…

Tariq Harb Plays El Colibri by Sagreras

Tariq Harb performs El Colibri by Argentinian composer and guitarist Julio Sagreras (1879–1942) on classical guitar. This comes via Harb’s fantastic YouTube channel. As Harb mentions, “It is a virtuosic composition written for the classical guitar that is meant to imitate the hummingbird.” Zippy performance…

Kanahi Yamashita Plays Nocturne “Reverie” Op.19 by Regondi

Kanahi Yamashita performs Nocturne “Reverie” Op.19 by Giulio Regondi (1823–1872). This comes via Open Strings Berlin and their Youtube channel. Great to hear another performance by Kanahi Yamashita. Wonderful phrasing and flowing lines as well as a lovely tremolo section. I’ve featured Yamashita on a number of occasions which…

Exploring the Fretboard No.17-20: Four Exercises on the High E String

Exploring the Fretboard No.17-20: Four Exercises on the High E String from my book Exploring the Fretboard: 100 Exercises for Intermediate Guitar. PDF sheet music with notation, left hand fingering, and video lessons. This book offers students a set amount of ordered material and…

Exploring the Fretboard No.16: Comparing 1st to 13th Position

Exploring the Fretboard No.16: Comparing 1st Position (Open) to 13th Position from my book Exploring the Fretboard: 100 Exercises for Intermediate Guitar. PDF sheet music with notation, left hand fingering, and video lessons. This book offers students a set amount of ordered material and…

Exploring the Fretboard No.15: Comparing 1st to 12th Position

Exploring the Fretboard No.15: Comparing 1st Position (Open) to 12th Position from my book Exploring the Fretboard: 100 Exercises for Intermediate Guitar. PDF sheet music with notation, left hand fingering, and video lessons. This book offers students a set amount of ordered material and…