Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner is a classical guitarist and music publisher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He originally created this site for his students at the Victoria Conservatory of Music but now shares content worldwide. Curating guitar content helps students absorb the culture, musical ideas, and technique of the classical guitar. Bradford also has a YouTube channel with over 94,000 subscribers and 13 million views. He taught classical guitar at the Victoria Conservatory of Music for 16 years and freelanced in Greater Victoria for 20 years and now dedicates much of his time curating content online and helping connect the classical guitar community. See more at his personal website.

Lorenzo Micheli plays Geppetto by Carpi

Lorenzo Micheli plays Geppetto by Fiorenzo Carpi. Filmed during the International Guitar Festival Mikulov, Czech Republic, in June 2014 by the Gitaarsalon. The theme is taken from “Le avventure di Pinocchio” by Fiorenzo Carpi (Milan, 1918 – Rome, 1997), composed as a…

Lesson: Octaves in G Major by Giuliani

Octaves in G Major, No. 7, Op. 1 by Mauro GiulianiFrom my PDF eBook: Ten Classical Etudes (Werner Guitar Editions)Includes fingering, notation only & notation + TAB edition.YouTube Video Performance and Lesson Link Octaves are a real workout and great for the…

Hotlink: Stephen Aron on Music Competitions

Over on Stephen Aron Guitar Studio blog he writes a great article regarding competitions in music. Stephen is fantastic guitarist and teacher over at Oberlin Conservatory of Music. Here is the intro but read on at his site: It is perfectly…

D’Addario Foundation 5th Annual Performance Series

I just wanted to share the D’Addario Foundation’s 5th Annual Classical Guitar Performance Series on October 23 at Carnegie Hall’s Weill Recital Hall @ 8pm. This installment of the series will showcase the Carnegie Hall debut of two young classical…

Leonora Spangenberger (11) plays Allegro by Bach

Another great youth player, Leonora Spangenberger (11) plays Allegro BWV 998 by J. S. Bach on a 2003 Curt Claus Voigt guitar. Video via Siccas Guitars on YouTube, a great source for high quality videos as of late. Bravo. I like…

Taso Comanescu plays Le Musette by Robert de Visée

Taso Comanescu plays Le Musette by Robert de Visée (ca. 1655 – 1732/1733) on a new Richard Reynoso classical guitar at the Guitar Salon International showroom in Santa Monica, CA. Visée was a composer, singer, lutenist, and more at the…

Alexandra Whittingham Plays Dyens & Mertz

Congrats to Alexandra Whittingham, Zoltai Döme and Búzás Ágnes for their fantastic playing the the Budapest Carpath Guitar Competition 2013. I was particularly impressed with 17 year old Alexandra Whittingham who was likely even younger in this 2013 video. Her blazing left…

Microtonal Guitar Duo Album

Microtonal Guitar Duo with Tolgahan Çoğulu & Sinan Cem Eroğlu just released this video as a promo for their new album. Microtonality has been around for ages, even on guitar but its nice to see a young duo so interested in it. Works…

Drew Henderson plays Allegro from BWV 1003 by Bach

Canadian guitarist Drew Henderson plays the Allegro from Violin Sonata no. 2 BWV 1003 by J.S. Bach (1685-1750). Drew continues to amaze us with his excellent playing but the icing on the cake is the production value. Great playing, great sound,…

La Caterdral played by Julien Labro & the Spektral Quartet

Fun arrangement of this classic guitar work by Paraguayan composer/gutiarist Agustín Barrios Mangoré, (1885–1944). This is an arrangement of the 3rd movement (Allegro solemne) of La Caterdral played by Julien Labro & the Spektral Quartet. When bandoneon gets in there I…

Six Rondes by Tielman Susato for Guitar Ensemble

Ronde 1-6 from Danserye (1551) by Tielman Susato (c.1510/15 – after 1570). PDF Sheet Music Arranged for Classical Guitar by Bradford Werner. For Guitar Quartet, Ensemble, or Orchestra. Score only (2 pages each Ronde) Notation Fingering only on upper position…

Emanuele Buono Plays Sonata by Antonio Jose (Complete)

Italian guitarist Emanuele Buono plays all four movements of the monumental Antonio Jose (1902-1936) Sonata via the Naxos Youtube Channel. I had no idea until I wrote down the dates that Jose had lived such a short life. What a shame… Maurice…