Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner is a classical guitarist and music publisher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He originally created this site for his students at the Victoria Conservatory of Music but now shares content worldwide. Curating guitar content helps students absorb the culture, musical ideas, and technique of the classical guitar. Bradford also has a YouTube channel with over 94,000 subscribers and 13 million views. He taught classical guitar at the Victoria Conservatory of Music for 16 years and freelanced in Greater Victoria for 20 years and now dedicates much of his time curating content online and helping connect the classical guitar community. See more at his personal website.

Kupinski Duo Play Chopin Mazurkas

Kupinski Duo (Ewa Jablczynska & Dariusz Kupinski), play so well worked out arrangements of Frederic Chopin’s Mazurka op. 24 no. 2 Mazurka op. 17 no. 4 Mazurka op. 41 no. 3. Arr. Kupinski Guitar Duo. I’m sure I love Chopin…

Spagnoletta for Guitar (Free PDF)

Spagnoletta, Anonymous Lute Work – Free PDF Sheet Music or Tab arranged for Classical Guitar. This is a nice short anonymous lute work arranged for classical guitar. Great for students but also nice for any level or your gig book.…

Beijing Guitar Duo Play Scarlatti

Beijing Guitar Duo playing Domenico Scarlatti’s (1685–1757) Sonata K.141. I’m always impressed with the ultra clean and crisp playing of the Beijing Duo with Meng Su & Yameng Wang. They are particularly suited to this as the original was for…

Review: Unreal City by Kostas Tosidis

Unreal City by Kostas TosidisArtist Website: kostastosidis.comContrastes Records: contrastesrecords.comReleased May 2014 Listen to samples or buy the album:Kostas Tosidis Unreal City on Amazon or on Spotify Greek guitarist Kostas Tosidis has released this intense collection of sonatas by Ginastera, Hurwitz, Ourkouzounov,…

Canadian Guitar Quartet Plays Valsa by Gnattali

The Canadian Guitar Quartet plays the third movement of Radamés Gnattali’s Quatro Movimentos Dançantes. Gallery: Laroche/Joncas, Belgo center, Montreal. The quartet has had many members over the years but is currently made up of Julien Bisaillon, Renaud Côté-Giguère, Bruno Roussel,…

Judicael Perroy Plays Valses Poeticos by Granados

Judicael Perroy in concert plays Valses Poeticos by Spanish composer Enrique Granados (1867–1916). The transcription is by Shin Ichi Fukuda (Amazon). Paris born Judicael won GFA back in 1997 and continues to wow audiences. He currently resides in Paris and…

Arturo Parra – Terra Incognita

Arturo Parra, guitarist and composerTerra IncognitaSeven sound portraitsNovember 2013 © ARTURO PARRA℗ LA GRENOUILLE HIRSUTEMade in Canada Artist Website: Arturo ParraLabel Website: La Grenouille Hirsute Columbian born but Canadian based guitarist and composer Arturo Parra released this gem last year November. You…

Robert Barto Plays Presto by Weiss

This isn’t a new video but after watching it I had to share it anyway. If you don’t know Robert Barto you must get to know his work. His Weiss recordings (Amazon) are absolutely fantastic. I’m not exaggerating. They are…

Agnew & McAllister Duo play Hamnataing

Agnew & McAllister Duo plays Hamnataing by Chris Stout (Arr. by Agnew & McAllister Duo). The ever excellent McAllister on guitar with flutist Aisling Agnew playing this nice fiddle tune. Born and brought up in the Shetland Islands, Chris Stout…

Marcin Dylla plays The Sonata of Loneliness by Pēteris Vasks

Fantastic! Marcin Dylla plays The Sonata of Loneliness(1990) by Latvian Pēteris Vasks. In three movements: I-Pensieroso, II-Risoluto, III-Con dolore. Vasks early style was reminiscent of Lutosławski, Penderecki and Crumb but later works explore wide ranging influences such as folk music.…

Review: Prolog by Classical Guitar Connection

Prolog by Classical Guitar ConnectionArtist Website: classicguitarconnection.comHofa Media | auris aurea |2013 Classical Guitar Connection, based out of Germany and made up of Erik Müller (guitar, lute) Rainer Kannacher (guitar), Philipp Rospleszcz (guitar), have released their debut CD with works by…

Jarring Sounds Play Henry Purcell

Jarring Sounds with Danielle Reutter-Harrah, mezzo-soprano and Adam Cockerham, baroque guitar play “When first Amintas sued for a kiss” by Henry Purcell (1659–1695). I love the Baroque guitar strumming rather than an awkward arrangement of the keyboard score. Sounds so…