Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner is a classical guitarist and music publisher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He originally created this site for his students at the Victoria Conservatory of Music but now shares content worldwide. Curating guitar content helps students absorb the culture, musical ideas, and technique of the classical guitar. Bradford also has a YouTube channel with over 94,000 subscribers and 13 million views. He taught classical guitar at the Victoria Conservatory of Music for 16 years and freelanced in Greater Victoria for 20 years and now dedicates much of his time curating content online and helping connect the classical guitar community. See more at his personal website.

SoloDuo play Le tic-toc-choc by Couperin

Italian guitar duo: SoloDuo (Lorenzo Micheli & Matteo Mela) play Le tic-toc-choc by French Baroque composer Francois Couperin (1668–1733). Originally for keyboard, this work translates nicely to guitar. Audio and Video by Canadian guitarist and audio-visual producer Drew Henderson & Cheryll Chung. You can…

Seu Jorge Plays Bowie Covers from The Life Aquatic

Seu Jorge Plays David Bowie Covers. I was sad to hear the news of David Bowie’s passing after 18 months of battling cancer. You can read a BBC article here, but 2 days before his death he released a new album,…

Review: Scintilla by Marek Pasieczny

This is a guest post by composer Michael KarmonVisit his site for more info, scores, and more. “Scintilla” by Marek Pasieczny First, a disclaimer: I’m a composer. I do play classical guitar, but all my training and experience is in…

Lesson: Waltz by Calatayud (Easy)

Lesson: Waltz by Bartolomé Calatayud for Classical GuitarLevel: RCM Bridges Grade One (Easy)Sheet Music Book (Sheet Music Plus): RCM Bridges Guitar Grade One This lesson is for my graded repertoire lesson series which you can find halfway down the lesson archive…

Lesson: Lesson 46 by Sagreras (RCM Preparatory)

Lesson 46 by Julio Sagreras for Classical GuitarLevel: RCM Preparatory Grade (Easy, Beginner)Sheet Music Book (Amazon): RCM Guitar Preparatory Book This lesson is for my graded repertoire lesson series which you can find halfway down the lesson archive page. When I…

Andrea González Caballero plays Clerch

Spanish guitarist Andrea González Caballero, currently based out of Germany, plays Estudio de Escalas by Joaquín Clerch (b. 1965) on a 2015 Ennio Giovanetti. This comes via the amazing Siccas Guitars and their fantastic YouTube channel. Siccas is THE online source for videos these…

Easy Auld Lang Syne for Guitar (Free PDF or TAB)

Auld Lang Syne for Fingerstyle GuitarClassical Guitar in Notation or Notation + Tablature (TAB)Level: Easy-Intermediate (melody + easy bass/chord notes) Auld Lang Syne is a Scots poem written by Robert Burns in 1788 and set to the tune of a…

Uros Baric Plays Christmas Songs

Slovenian guitarist Uros Baric plays a variety of Christmas tunes: Winter Wonderland (Felix Bernard), Santa Claus Is Coming to Town (John Frederick Coots / Haven Gillespie) and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (Johnny Marks). If you don’t know Uros Baric yet he…

SoloDuo play Scarlatti

Italian guitar duo: SoloDuo (Lorenzo Micheli & Matteo Mela) play Sonata K 386 by Domenico Scarlatti (1685–1757). Son of renowned father Alessandro Scarlatti, Domenico was an Italian composer who spent much of his life in the service of the Portuguese and…

John Schneider 13 Questions [via Prepared Guitar]

A nice article/interview via Prepared Guitar with the fantastic guitarist John Schneider. Schneider is well known for his work with just-intonation and micro-tonality as well as his performances of Lou Harrison, John Cage, and Harry Partch. Schneider has been hailed as…

Lesson: Filing nails with Matthew McAllister

This might be the fourth post this week with McAllister but when it’s good it’s good. Matthew McAllister gives a lesson on filing the nails for classical guitar. This comes via the excellent Siccas Guitars and their fantastic YouTube channel. I like how he…

New Release: French Collection by Matthew McAllister

French Collection by Matthew McAllisterBaros Records, 2015Artist Website: matthewmcallister.comProduced and engineered by Uros Baric.Learn more or buy the album I’m very happy to introduce you to a new album by our good friend, Scottish guitarist Matthew McAllister. Matthew has been…