Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner is a classical guitarist and music publisher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He originally created this site for his students at the Victoria Conservatory of Music but now shares content worldwide. Curating guitar content helps students absorb the culture, musical ideas, and technique of the classical guitar. Bradford also has a YouTube channel with over 94,000 subscribers and 13 million views. He taught classical guitar at the Victoria Conservatory of Music for 16 years and freelanced in Greater Victoria for 20 years and now dedicates much of his time curating content online and helping connect the classical guitar community. See more at his personal website.

Lesson: Hinge Barres by Gohar Vardanyan

This classical guitar lesson hinge barres is brought to you by Strings By Mail (thanks!) and the excellent Gohar Vardanyan. Hinge bars are very important once you reach the mid-intermediate level as they can get you out of tricky chord changes and make sure…

Tatyana Ryzhkova Plays Tristorosa by Villa-Lobos

Belarusian guitarist Tatyana Ryzhkova plays Tristorosa was originally written by Heitor Villa-Lobos for piano. It was one of his first pieces. Guitar made by Michel Brück. Tatyana Ryzhkova was born in 1986 in Minsk, the capital of Belarus and has…

Stefan Koim Plays Royal Winter Music by Henze

Love Henze’s music. The wonderful young German guitarist Stefan Koim plays “I. Sir Andrew Aguecheeck” from Royal Winter Music (Sonata No.2) by Hans Werner Henze (1926–2012). This work is based on Shakespearean Characters: I. Sir Andrew Aguecheeck; II. Bottom’s dream;…

Sold. New 2015 Marcus Dominelli Double Top Guitar

SOLD. 2015 Double Top Guitar by Marcus Dominelli Top: Spruce/Nomex/cedar Back & Sides: Indian Rosewood 630mm scale (short scale) Elevated fingerboard Soundport w/magnetic cover Gotoh 510 tuners w/frictionless rollers 21 fret, 51mm nut width. This guitar was built to Marcus’s own…

Nigel North (Lute) Plays Dowland Set

The wonderful Nigel North (lute) plays a set of works by English composer and lutenist John Dowland (1563–1626). The pieces are: Pavan “Solus cum sola,” Melancholy Galliard, Orlando Sleepeth, Lady Hunsdon’s Puffe. This comes via the Boston Guitarfest back in 2013 and their great YouTube Channel. You can buy…

Marieta, Mazurka by Francisco Tárrega (Sheet Music and Tab PDF)

Marieta, Mazurka by Tárrega

Marieta, Mazurka by Francisco Tárrega (1852–1909) – PDF Sheet Music or tab editions for Classical Guitar with free lesson and performance video. Late Intermediate Level (Grade 7-8). My Sheet Music or TAB Edition (PDF) Marieta, Mazurka by Tarrega from Werner…

Drew Henderson Plays Bach on 4 Different Guitars

Drew Henderson performs the Allemande from Suite for lute in E minor BWV 996 by J.S. Bach (1685-1750) live at the Grand Guitar Salon over in Montreal, Québec, Canada. Here he’s using 4 different guitars from luthiers: Douglass Scott (Canada), Mathew Rubindall…

Oltre Duo Play Piazzolla on Guitar and Vibraphone

Oltre Duo: Mauro Tonolli (guitar) and Alessandro Bianchini (vibraphone) play Cafè 1930 on Guitar and Vibraphone by Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992). Audio: Marco Sirio Pivetti. Video: Jacopo Salvi. Histoire du Tango for which Cafè 1930 is one movement is one of…

Review: Ponce Guitar Music, Vol. 4 by Judicaël Perroy

Ponce: Guitar Music, Vol. 4Artist: Judicaël PerroyLabel: Naxos 2016 Buy or listen to samples via Amazon: Ponce Vol 4 by Judicaël Perroy The Naxos Promotional Paragraph: Considered by many to be the founding father of 20th-century Mexican music, Manuel Ponce dedicated himself…

Jean-François Desrosby Plays Koyunbaba

Canadian guitarist Jean-François Desrosby plays the famous Koyunbaba, mvt. IV, composed by Carlo Domeniconi (b.1947). Guitar by Antonius Müller, 2013. String are Savarez Cantiga / New Cristal strings. Jean-François is teaching classical guitar at University of Sherbrooke School of Music, Canada. Nice work,…

Brasil Guitar Duo Play Bellinati Guitar Concerto

Brasil Guitar Duo with the Sphinx Symphony Orchestra in 2016. They are playing the third movement Ponteado from Concerto for Two Guitars by Brazilian composer/guitarist Paulo Bellinati (b. São Paulo, 1950). Bellinati is particularly well known for three of his…