Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner is a classical guitarist and music publisher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He originally created this site for his students at the Victoria Conservatory of Music but now shares content worldwide. Curating guitar content helps students absorb the culture, musical ideas, and technique of the classical guitar. Bradford also has a YouTube channel with over 94,000 subscribers and 13 million views. He taught classical guitar at the Victoria Conservatory of Music for 16 years and freelanced in Greater Victoria for 20 years and now dedicates much of his time curating content online and helping connect the classical guitar community. See more at his personal website.

Lesson: Aural Refocus by Leo Garcia

Guest Lesson: Aural Refocus by Leo Garcia Visit his blog for more great lessons: Six String Journal I would argue that we all find pleasure in the ability to play fast. Whether as an accurate measure of our finger fitness,…

Marcin Dylla Plays Prelude No. 2 by Villa-Lobos

Marcin Dylla plays by Prelude No. 2 by Brazilian composer Heitor Villa Lobos (1887-1959). This comes via the fantastic Siccas Guitars and their great YouTube channel. Great playing from Dylla as usual. Love his down to earth playing. He knows when to be elegant…

Celil Refik Kaya Plays Valses Poeticos

Turkish born but New York based guitarist Celil Refik Kaya playing Spanish composer Enrique Granados’ (1867–1916) Valses Poeticos on a beautiful new 2015 Kenneth Brogger ‘1890 Torres’ classical guitar via the Guitar Salon International showroom in Santa Monica, CA. You can…

Lesson: String Squeak by Matthew McAllister

Matthew McAllister gives a lesson regarding string squeaks and buzz on guitar. This comes via the excellent Siccas Guitars and their fantastic YouTube channel. Siccas always have their visitors play on in-shop guitars, here a Armin Hanika 58 CC 2016. Matthew is a fantastic performer…

New Music Videos via Class Axe Workshop 2016

Here’s some of the pieces from the Class Axe Guitar workshop. The Guitar Society of Toronto with the Canadian Music Centre have created new compositions for solo classical guitar.  This year’s workshop included collaborations with guitarists and organizations in Vancouver and…

Review: Best Classical Guitars on Amazon

What is the best classical guitar to order online? I teach over 30 students each term at the Victoria Conservatory of Music and I’ve seen a lot of good guitars and a lot of poorly built ones too. Of course…

Review: Pour guitare by Steve Cowan

Pour guitare by Steve CowanWith guest guitarist François BergeronArtist Website: stevecowanmusic.comRelease Date: 2016 Listen to Samples or Buy via Amazon: Pour Guitare by Steve Cowanor iTunes / CD Baby Canadian guitarist Steve Cowan recently released an album featuring a collection of works by…

Andrea Gonzalez Caballero Plays Ségoviana by Milhaud

Spanish guitarist Andrea Gonzalez Caballero plays Ségoviana, Op. 366 (1957) by French composer Darius Milhaud (1892-1974). We are indeed lucky to have a piece written for guitar by Milhaud, a member of Les Six, also known as The Group of…

The Best Clip-on Tuner for Classical Guitar

Review: D’Addario Planet Waves NS Micro Tuner Clip-On.Small and compact, I never take this tuner off the guitar. I’ve had it on there for over a year. Works great, only $11. Metronome is only visual which could be useful for some…

Idea: built-in design for attaching guitar supports

An idea to integrate guitar support attachments into the design of classical guitars. Let’s do away with suction cups, clamps, and magnets and have it all part of the guitar. It would just be a small hole and then a…

Lesson: Grace Notes on Classical Guitar

This classical guitar lesson on grace notes and ornaments in general is brought to you by Strings By Mail (thanks!) and the excellent Gohar Vardanyan. There many different types of grace notes and ways to play them but this is a nice introduction…

Thomas Viloteau Plays Ponce’s Folia Variations & Fugue

French guitarist Thomas Viloteau plays Variations and Fugue on ‘Folia de España’ (1929) by Mexican composer Manuel María Ponce (1882–1948). This is one of a handful of monumental works for the guitar. This fantastic set of variations ends with a…