Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner is a classical guitarist and music publisher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He originally created this site for his students at the Victoria Conservatory of Music but now shares content worldwide. Curating guitar content helps students absorb the culture, musical ideas, and technique of the classical guitar. Bradford also has a YouTube channel with over 94,000 subscribers and 13 million views. He taught classical guitar at the Victoria Conservatory of Music for 16 years and freelanced in Greater Victoria for 20 years and now dedicates much of his time curating content online and helping connect the classical guitar community. See more at his personal website.

Drew Henderson Plays Fandango by Rodrigo

The excellent Canadian guitarist Drew Henderson plays Fandango from Tres Piezas Españolas by Spanish composer Joaquín Rodrigo (1901-1999). Henderson is one of my favorite guitarists and he also does all the video and sound himself. A wizard of all trades. I love…

Uros Baric Plays La Muerte by Sáinz de la Maza

The excellent Slovenian guitarist Uros Baric plays La Muerte, second to last movement from Suite Platero Y Yo by Spanish composer Eduardo Sáinz de la Maza (1903–1982). This is via his YouTube Channel where he also gives you all the tech…

Book Review: Traversing the Fretboard by Sean Thrower

Traversing the FretboardUtilizing the CAGED System in More Ways than Sean Thrower Buy the book via Amazon: Traversing the Fretboard I was very pleased to receive a copy of Sean Thrower’s new book focusing on fretboard theory and knowledge. Thrower…

Kathy Acosta Zavala Plays Tansman and Brouwer

Peruvian classical guitarist Kathy Acosta Zavala plays Variations on a Theme of Scriabin by Polish-born French composer and virtuoso pianist Alexandre Tansman (1897–1986) and El Arpa y la sombra by Cuban composer and guitarist Leo Brouwer (b. 1939). She wrote…

Pasieczny Plays Neo Variations: Tribute to John Towner Williams

UK composer and guitarist Marek Pasieczny plays Neo Variations: Tribute to John Towner Williams composed by Marek Pasieczny (2016). A tribute to film music and John Williams (the composer, not the guitarist). You can get the sheet music via his website. Here’s…

Jennifer Kim Plays La Catedral by Barrios

Jennifer Kim playing the entire La Catedral by Paraguayan guitarist and composer Agustín Barrios (1885–1944). on a 1955 Manuel Velazquez classical guitar. This comes via the Guitar Salon International showroom in Santa Monica, CA. You can also see more videos of Jennifer on…

Sound: Crash Course in Physics

If you don’t already know about the excellent YouTube channel “CrashCourse“, they offer easy to absorb videos on complex science, physics, history, politics, psychology and more. This one is about sound and in collaboration with PBS. It has nothing to…

An Interview with John Williams

Three 20-minute long video interviews with the amazing guitarist, John Williams. You can also read/buy his biography via Amazon Kindle: Strings Attached: The Life and Music of John Williams. I don’t know why the actual physical book isn’t available, glad…

Ivan Petricevic Plays Gigue BWV 1004 by Bach

Ivan Petricevic plays Gigue BWV 1004 by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) on a 2011 Dieter Müller Doubletop.This comes via the excellent Siccas Guitars and their fantastic YouTube channel. “Petricevic was born in 1987. Belgrade, former Yugoslavia. He studied in the class of Ante…

Duo Amaral Play Recife Dos Corales by Assad

The excellent Duo Amaral (Jorge Amaral and Mia Pomerantz-Amaral) play mov. III Recife Dos Corales from Tres Cenas Brasileiras by Brazilian guitarist and composer Sérgio Assad (b.1952). This via their YouTube channel. I’ve been following Duo Amaral for some time and they always impress with their…

Tim Beattie Plays Elogio de la Guitarra by Rodrigo

Young Canadian guitarist Tim Beattie playing Elogio de la Guitarra, mvt 1: Allegro by Joaquin Rodrigo (1901-1999), performed during the 2016 Hamilton Guitar Competition Finals. Instrument built by Patrick Mailloux. via his YouTube “Tim is currently studying at the Conservatorium…

Lesson: Left Hand & 4th (Pinky) Finger Trouble

A free lesson on left hand technique with a focus on 4th finger (pinky) troubles. This lesson was request via YouTube comments. For beginner and intermediate students of classical guitar. In this lesson I talk about left hand alignment, guitar…