Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner is a classical guitarist and music publisher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He originally created this site for his students at the Victoria Conservatory of Music but now shares content worldwide. Curating guitar content helps students absorb the culture, musical ideas, and technique of the classical guitar. Bradford also has a YouTube channel with over 94,000 subscribers and 13 million views. He taught classical guitar at the Victoria Conservatory of Music for 16 years and freelanced in Greater Victoria for 20 years and now dedicates much of his time curating content online and helping connect the classical guitar community. See more at his personal website.

Review: Cordoba C10 Parlor Classical Guitar

Review: Cordoba C10 Parlor Classical GuitarCordoba ‘Luthier Series’ Line of GuitarsSolid Canadian cedar topSolid  Indian Rosewood back & sidesIndian rosewood binding / Indian rosewood bridge7/8 body size, 50mm nut widthmother-of-pearl weave rosette630 mm scale lengthPrice range from $1000-$1300 USD (via Amazon…

Review: Cordoba C12 Classical Guitar

Review: Cordoba C12 Classical GuitarCordoba ‘Luthier Series’ Line of GuitarsSolid Canadian Cedar TopSolid Indian Rosewood back & sides650mm scale lengthRaised (Elevated) FingerboardPrice range from $1650-$1850 USD Buy from for the best price: Cordoba C12 Classical GuitarCanadians go here. Bradford’s Option at…

Lesson: The Spider – Left Hand Exercise

Lesson of the week: “The Spider” Left Hand Finger Independence and Stretch Exercise. This exercise comes from one of the most popular books for the classical guitar: Pumping Nylon by American guitarist Scott Tennant. It’s a great reference/exercise book with short memorable…

Sanel Redžić Plays Five Bagatelles by Walton

Sanel Redžić plays Five Bagatelles (1971) by English composer William Walton (1902-1983). This comes via Redžić’s YouTube. Great video and awesome to have all five of the Walton pieces in one place. Same video location as his previous video of the…

Nina Bernert (12) Plays Phantasia by Kellner

Always nice to feature youth players on the site as we might hear them again down the road and they deserve so much praise for their hard work. 12 year old German guitarist Nina Bernert plays Phantasia D major by…

Isaac Bustos plays Lágrima by Tárrega

The amazing guitarist Isaac Bustos plays Lágrima [Tear] – Preludio by Francisco Tárrega (1852–1909). Beautiful performance of this short and sweet classic by Tarrega. Audio and video by the great Canadian guitarist and producer Drew Henderson – always a top quality production with…

Lesson: Shifts and String Noise on Guitar

This is from my Lesson of the Week segment of the site. A lesson on shifts and string noise for classical guitar using Ricardo Iznaola’s Kitharologus: The Path to Virtuosity (Amazon). This is exercise No. 37 in level 3. I’d put…

Tatyana Ryzhkova Warm-up Lesson

Belorussian guitarist Tatyana Ryzhkova gives a nice lesson on melodic work, tremolo, and other warm-up exercises. This comes via her popular YouTube Channel. I haven’t been posting her lesson videos but this one is nice because the student can see more…

Josh Moore plays Sonata #4 by Santórsola

American guitarist Josh Moore plays Sonata No. 4 Italiana (1977) by Italian-born Brazilian-Uruguayan composer Guido Santórsola (1904–1994). This comes via Guitar Salon International via their YouTube on a 2016 Luis Fernandez de Cordoba guitar. Nice playing by Moore with lots…

Lesson: Left Hand Finger Independence for Guitar

Lesson of the week: Left Hand Finger Independence. This exercise comes from one of the most popular books for the classical guitar: Pumping Nylon by American guitarist Scott Tennant. It’s a great reference/exercise book with short memorable exercises for warm ups or…

Sanja Plohl Plays Maxixe by Barrios

Slovenian-born (Madrid based) guitarist Sanja Plohl plays Maxixe by Paraguayan guitarist/composer Agustín Barrios Mangore (1885-1944). One of Barrios’ folk-flavoured dances with plenty of fun chord and scale work. It’s pieces like this one that remind me of the way jazz players…

Anton Baranov plays Carillon by Terzi

Russian guitarist Anton Baranov plays Carillon by Italian composer/guitarist Benvenuto Terzi (1892-1980). Cute piece, rather silly really but looks like a good etude for left hand slurs and right hand harmonics and certainly the effect is of interest. You might recognize…