Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner is a classical guitarist and music publisher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He originally created this site for his students at the Victoria Conservatory of Music but now shares content worldwide. Curating guitar content helps students absorb the culture, musical ideas, and technique of the classical guitar. Bradford also has a YouTube channel with over 94,000 subscribers and 13 million views. He taught classical guitar at the Victoria Conservatory of Music for 16 years and freelanced in Greater Victoria for 20 years and now dedicates much of his time curating content online and helping connect the classical guitar community. See more at his personal website.

21st Century Spanish Guitar by Adam Levin

Over the past 8 years guitarist Adam Levin has been working on a 21st Century Spanish Guitar commission project to be released in four volumes via Naxos Records. This is a large project involving the commissioning of 30 new solo guitar works. Stemming…

In the Bleak Midwinter for Guitar (Free PDF)

In the Bleak Midwinter – Free sheet music or premium tab arranged for classical guitar. The melody is by Gustav Holst (1874-1934) and words by Christina Rossetti (1830-1894). Free Notation Edition – PDF In the Bleak Midwinter for Guitar (Free PDF) Buy…

Andrija Lazarevic plays Paganini Caprice No.5

The young Serbian guitarist Andrija Lazarevic plays Caprice No.5 by Niccolò Paganini (1782–1840). This comes via Gitaarsalon (Netherlands) and their YouTube. Originally written for violin these Caprices are often arranged for guitar. I love this because of that fast but extremely…

Isaac Bustos performs Una Limosna by Barrios

Guitarist Isaac Bustos performs Una Limosna por el Amor de Dios by Agustin Barrios (1885-1944). Audio and video by the amazing Canadian guitarist and producer Drew Henderson – always a top quality production. Guitar: 2013 Martin Blackwell Spruce doubletop. One of the…

Lesson: Right Hand Thumb Position

Video Lesson of the Week – Right hand thumb position and exercises for classical guitar. Here’s the Youtube Video Link if you’d like to watch it there. I also cover a left hand exercise near the end of the video.…

Leonora Spangenberger (13) plays Etude No. 4 by Villa-Lobos

Another youth feature as it’s great to see their music develop and they deserve praise for their excellent work. 13 year old German guitarist Leonora Spangenberger plays Etude No. 4 by Villa-Lobos. Last week I posted a video of Another fantastic youth student…

The benefits of slow practice via The Strad

Nice article on practicing slowly with some great pros and cons via this article from The Strad . Although this is a simple piece of advice, on a more broad scale the more guitarists listen to the advice of the…

New Releases by Jamie Balmer & Jon Gjylaci

American Threads by Jamie BalmerArtist Website: jbalmer.comAlbum via Bandcamp: American Threads by Jamie Balmer American Threads features solo guitar music by Kevin Callahan, Phillip de Fremery, Frederic Hand, Thomas Schuttenhelm, and Frank Wallace alongside Jamie Balmer’s arrangements for solo guitar…

Olivia Chiang plays Farewell by John Doan

16-year-old American guitarist Olivia Chiang plays Farewell by Harp Guitarist John Doan on a 2007 Aaron Green cedar and rosewood guitar. This comes via the excellent Guitar Salon International via their YouTube. John Doan plays the twenty-string harp guitar but also has recordings…

Lesson: Prelude No. 4 by Villa-Lobos

A full video lesson tutorial for Prelude No. 4 by Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887-1959) for classical guitar. I go through the four main sections, discussing the piece and demonstrating. This is a great piece for both pros and students. In particular, I like…

Review: Guitar Ladies by Heike Matthiesen

Guitar LadiesClassical guitar music by women composersBy Heike MatthiesenRelease: September 2016 Listen to Samples or Buy: CD Baby, Amazon, iTunes Composers:Madame Sidney Pratten (1821-1895)Maria Luisa Anido (1907-1996)Ida Presti (1924-1967)Sofia Gubaidulina (b.1931)Sylvie Bodorova (b.1954)Annette Kruisbrink (b.1958)Carmen Guzman (1925-2012)Tatiana Stachak (b.1973)Maria Linnemann (b.1947) Liner Note by…

Adam Cicchillitti plays Milonga del Mar by Roux

Canadian guitarist Adam Cicchillitti plays Milonga del Mar from Scènes panoramiques by Canadian composer Patrick Roux, recorded November 19, 2016 in Toronto. Video and audio by Drew Henderson. Milonga del Mar was premiered by Marlène Demers-Lemay and is published by…